option | n 1. right, ability to make a choice, pilihan: he had little ~ in the matter, dia tdk ada banyak pilihan dlm hal itu; if I had the ~ I would leave now, jika saya ada pilihan, saya ingin meninggalkan tempat ini sekarang; 2. course of action etc that can be chosen, pilihan: the management has two ~s: to accept the proposal or to come up with a counter-proposal, pihak pengurusan ada dua pilihan: menerima cadangan itu atau memberikan cadangan balas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choice | n 1. act of choosing, pemilihan, memilih: the ~ of vice-president was left to the executive committee, pemilihan naib presiden diserahkan kpd jawatankuasa eksekutif; 2. thing, person chosen, pilihan: be careful in your ~ of partner, hati-hati dlm memilih teman; our first ~, pilihan pertama kami; 3. privilege, power to select, pilihan: he is my ~ for the position, dialah pilihan saya utk jawatan itu; 4. variety from which to select, pilihan: there was a wide ~ of materials on display, terdapat pilihan kain yg banyak yg dipamerkan; you have only two ~s, kamu hanya ada dua pilihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
poll | n 1. (usu in pl) the casting of votes at an election, pilihan raya: the floods kept many people away from the ~s, banjir menyebabkan ramai orang tdk dapat mengundi dlm pilihan raya itu; the party won a landslide victory at the ~s, parti itu mendapat kemenangan besar dlm pilihan raya; go to the ~s, membuang undi, mengundi: we will go to the ~s in two week’s time, kami akan membuang undi dlm masa dua minggu lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
electoral | adj 1. rel to an election, pilihan raya: an ~ district, daerah pilihan raya; 2. rel to electors, pemilih, pengundi: ~ roll, daftar pemilih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choice | adj 1. fine, of high quality, pilihan: a ~ cut of meat, potongan daging pilihan; 2. well chosen, tepat: an insult delivered in a few ~ words, celaan yg dilemparkan dgn kata-kata yg tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
election | n 1. act of choosing, pemilihan: his ~ to the chairmanship of the Board was generally well-received, pemilihannya sbg pengerusi Lembaga, pd umumnya, disambut baik; 2. (often in pl), (polit) pilihan raya: ~ results, keputusan pilihan raya; parliamentary ~s, pilihan raya parlimen; the next general ~, pilihan raya umum yg akan datang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
preference | n 1. a greater liking, [sso] lebih suka: I have a ~ for historical novels, saya lebih suka novel sejarah; 2. thing that is liked better, pilihan, yg [sso] lebih suka: what is your ~, red or blue?, apa pilihan kamu, merah atau biru?; 3. favour shown to one person, group, keutamaan: ~ will be given to members of the organisation, keutamaan akan diberi kpd ahli-ahli pertubuhan itu; shareholders will have ~ over non-shareholders in the new issue, berbanding dgn bukan pemegang saham, pemegang saham akan mendapat keutamaan dlm pengeluaran saham baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favourite | n 1. so. loved above others, kesayangan: he is his father’s ~, dia kesayangan bapanya; 2. person, thing best liked, kegemaran, kesukaan: that book is a ~ of mine, buku itu kegemaran saya; 3. (sport) pilihan ramai (utk memenangi): Argentina was the ~ for the World Cup, Argentina menjadi pilihan ramai utk memenangi Piala Dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | n 1. st better, ( yg) lebih baik: to change for the ~, berubah menjadi lebih baik; the ~ of two choices, yg lebih baik antara dua pilihan; 2. (in pl) persons of higher rank, golongan atasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assorted | adj 1. consisting of various kinds, aneka /jenis, pilihan/: a box of ~ chocolates, sekotak coklat aneka jenis; 2. matched, padan, sesuai: a well- ~ couple, pasangan yg benar-benar padan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |