death | as sure as ~, sudah pasti, tdk dapat dielakkan lagi; at ~’s door, di /ambang, pintu, gerbang/ maut; /at the point, on the verge/ of ~, di ambang maut; be the ~ of so., cause so’s death, menyebabkan kematian sso: drinking was the ~ of him, minum araklah yg menyebabkan kematiannya; catch o’s ~ (of cold), (colloq) mati kesejukan; die a hero’s ~, mati sbg pahlawan; put to ~, (gen) dihukum /bunuh, mati/; (ref to specif case) melaksanakan hukuman /bunuh, mati/: the prisoner will be put to ~ tomorrow, banduan itu akan dihukum bunuh esok; /scared, sick, tickled, etc/ to ~, /takut, bosan, geli hati, dsb/ /betul, sungguh/; sentenced to ~, dihukum mati; to the ~, hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir: to fight to the ~, berjuang hingga ke titisan darah yg terakhir; work os to ~, bekerja bermati-matian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arch | n 1. curved structure spanning an opening, gerbang, lengkung: horseshoe ~, gerbang ladam; window ~, gerbang tingkap; 2. also archway, pintu gerbang; 3. st curved like an arch, lengkung: the ~ of the heavens, lengkung langit; the ~ of the eyebrows, lengkung bulu kening; 4. (anat) lengkung: ~ of the foot, lengkung tapak kaki; ~ of the aorta,lengkung aorta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gate | n 1. doorlike structure in fence, wall, etc, a. (gen) pintu pagar: my backyard has a ~, kawasan belakang rumah saya berpintu pagar; b. (of railway) pagar (kereta api); c. (of walled city) pintu kota; d. (of palace, temple) pintu gerbang, gapura; e. (of canal, dam) pintu air; 2. numbered exit leading to aircraft, pintu: to board the aircraft from ~ 8, menaiki kapal terbang melalui pintu nombor 8; 3. mountain pass, genting; 4. total attendance at sporting events, jumlah penonton; 5. see GATE MONEY. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arched | adj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arch2 | adj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |