black | ~ out, a. lose consciousness, pitam; b. lose o’s memory, hilang ingatan; ~ out st, a. cover so as to hide, melitupi dgn + approp n hitam: the date on the advertisement has been ~ed out, tarikh pd iklan itu telah dilitupi dgn dakwat hitam; b. obscure by extinguishing or concealing light in, menggelapkan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faint | vi pengsan; (due to hunger, heat, etc) pengsan, pitam: she ~ed when she heard the news, dia pengsan apabila mendengar berita itu; he ~ed from the heat, dia pengsan krn terlalu panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faint | f. (of breeze) sepoi-sepoi bahasa; g. (of smile) serong-serong bahasa, sumbing; 2. lacking conviction, tdk bersungguh-sungguh: ~ praise, pujian yg tdk bersungguh-sungguh; a ~ attempt (at a smile etc) cuba-cuba (senyum dll); 3. weak and dizzy, berasa hendak pitam: to be ~ with hunger, berasa hendak pitam krn lapar; 4. (of body function, strength, etc) feeble, lemah: his breathing grew ~er, pernafasannya semakin lemah; 5. weak, slight, sedikit: a ~ resemblance between the two men, terdapat sedikit persamaan antara dua lelaki itu; there is still a ~ hope of finding them, masih ada sedikit harapan utk menjumpai mereka; they put up only a ~ show of resistence, mereka hanya menunjukkan sedikit tentangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
black-out | n 1. the extinguishing or concealing of light, bergelap; 2. electrical power failure, putus bekalan; 3. intentional prevention, suspension of broadcasting of information, pencegahan siaran; 4. temporary loss of consciousness, pitam; 5. temporary loss of memory, hilang ingatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |