plastic | adj 1.(of goods make of plastic) plastik: these pearls are not real, they’re only ~, mutiara-mutiara ini bukannya asli, hanyalah plastik; ~ knives and forks, pisau dan garpu plastik; 2. impressionable, mudah /dipengaruhi, terpengaruh/: young minds are quite ~, fikiran orang-orang muda agak mudah dipengaruhi; 3. easily shaped or moulded, mudah dibentuk: the clay is worked until it becomes ~, tanah liat itu diadun hingga mudah dibentuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pop 1 | vt 1. cause to make short, sharp explosive sound, meletupkan: he ~ped the plastic bag with both hands, dia meletupkan beg plastik itu dgn kedua-dua tangannya; 2. place, put (so. or st) with a sudden movement, meletakkan [sso, sst] dgn /segera, cepat/: I’ll just ~ the baby into cot, and then I am free<./i>, saya akan meletakkan bayi itu dgn segera ke dlm kot, dan kemudian selesailah kerja saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tubing | n 1. material in the form of a tube, tiub: plastic ~, tiub plastik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | n 1. something that overlays, conceals, a. (gen) penutup: a plastic sheet was used as a ~ for the table, sehelai plastik digunakan sbg penutup meja itu; b. lid, tutup, tudung: a box ~, tutup kotak; c. (of book) kulit; d. (of chair, cushion, etc) sarung: we need new chair ~s, kami memerlukan sarung kerusi baru; e. (bed) tutup tilam; f. (vegetation, snow, etc) litupan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tie | vi 1. be fastened, diikat: the ribbon ~s at the back, reben itu diikat di belakang; this plastic rope doesn’t ~ properly, tali plastik ini tdk mudah diikatkan dgn kemas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spoon | n 1. wooden, metal, etc utensil with shallow bowl at the end of a handle, sudu, camca: bring some plastic ~s to the picnic, bawa beberapa batang sudu plastik ketika pergi berkelah; a teaspoon, camca teh; a set of six soup ~s, satu set enam batang camca sup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mixture | n 1. assortment of several things, campuran; (of languages) berbagai-bagai: she put the ~ of seeds into a plastic bag, dia memasukkan campuran biji-bijian itu ke dlm beg plastik; we heard an interesting ~ of languages | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
resistant | adj 1. showing opposition, menentang: countries which are ~ to any foreign interference, negara-negara yg menentang sebarang campur tangan asing; 2. able to withstand, tahan: this type of plastic is ~ to steam, plastik jenis ini tahan wap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imitate | vt 1. follow as model, example, meniru, mencontoh: the boy tries to ~ his elder brother in every way, budak itu mencuba meniru kelakuan abangnya dlm segala hal; 2. mimic, mengajuk: comedians who ~ prominent people to amuse their audiences, pelawak-pelawak yg mengajuk telatah orang-orang terkenal utk menghiburkan hati para penonton; the bird can ~ a dog’s bark, burung itu dapat mengajuk salakan anjing; 3. produce, make a likeness of, meniru: his style is difficult to ~, gaya penulisannya sukar ditiru; 4. resemble, be like (in appearance) menyerupai, kelihatan spt: the plastic is grained to ~ wood, plastik itu dikira supaya menyerupai kayu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |