advanced | adj 1. forward, di (barisan) hadapan: the platoon took up an ~ position, platun itu mengambil kedudukan di barisan hadapan; 2. being ahead, (of work, project, etc) hampir selesai: the work is well ~, kerja itu hampir selesai; 3. ahead of the times, (of person, opinion, idea, etc) mendahului zamannya: his ~ ideas influenced political developments in the country, buah fikirannya yg mendahului zamannya telah mempengaruhi perkembangan-perkembangan politik di negaranya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detach | he ~ed the frame from the picture, dia menanggalkan gambar itu dr bingkainya; to ~ the hose from the tap, menanggalkan hos dr paip; c. (by uncoupling) memisahkan: to ~ a coach from the train, memisahkan gerabak dr kereta api; d. (by releasing) melepaskan: the boat was ~ed from its moorings, bot itu dilepaskan dr tambatannya; 3. (mil) send on separate mission, memisahkan dr + approp n: the platoon was ~ed to harass the enemy, platun itu dipisahkan dr pasukan induknya utk mengganggu pihak musuh; a destroyer was ~ed to protect the convoy, sebuah kapal pembinasa dipisahkan dr armada itu utk melindungi konvoi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
command | (be) in ~ of, memegang kuasa di; (army, military unit) memegang kuasa dlm: the army was in ~ of the town, tentera memegang kuasa di bandar itu; the captain who was then in ~ of the unit..., kapten yg pd masa itu memegang kuasa dlm unit tersebut...; be in ~ of os, dapat mengawal diri sso; take ~, menguasai keadaan: my father as usual, took ~, bapa saya, spt biasa, menguasai keadaan; take ~ of, memegang kuasa; (situation) menguasai: he took ~ of the platoon when the lieutenant was killed, dia memegang kuasa dlm platun itu apabila leftenan terbunuh; to take ~ of a situation, menguasai keadaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |