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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fringed<i>adji> 1. <i>decorated with fringe,i> dihiasi /rumbai, jumbai, umbai/, berumbai, berjumbai: <i>a ~ lampshade,i> terendak lampu yg berumbai; 2. <i>edged,i> dipinggiri: <i>a garden ~ed with tall palms,i> taman yg dipinggiri pohon-pohon palma yg tinggi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bow1<i>vti> 1.<i> bend the head or body,i> menundukkan:<i> they ~ed their heads in prayer,i> mereka menundukkan kepala semasa berdoa; 2.<i> express by bowing,i> tunduk sbg tanda [sst]: <i>the recipient of the award ~ed his thanks,i> penerima anugerah itu tunduk sbg tanda terima kasih; <i>to ~ o’s consent,i> tunduk utk menandakan persetujuan; 3.<i> cause to bend, (act.i>) melenturkan; (<i>pass.i>) melentur: <i>the gale ~ed the trees,i> angin kencang melenturkan pohon-pohon itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gaunt<i>adji> 1. <i>bony and haggard,i> kurus kering; (<i>of cheeks, eyesi>) cengkung: <i>the prisoners of war looked ~,i> tawanan-tawanan perang itu kelihatan kurus kering; 2. <i>bare and desolate,i> gondol dan gersang; (<i>of housei>) kosong dan tdk berseri: <i>the ~ trees in winter,i> pohon-pohon gondol dan gersang pd musim sejuk; <i>a ~ landscape,i> pandangan darat yg gondol dan gersang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
berry<i>vii> 1. <i>produce berries,i> berbuah: <i>the bush is about to ~,i> pohon itu hampir berbuah; 2. <i>gather berries,i> memetik (buah) beri: <i>to go ~ing,i> pergi memetik beri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fall<i>ni> 1. <i>act, instance of dropping,i> a. (<i>geni>) jatuh(nya); break o’s ~, menampan jatuh sso: <i>a thick bush broke his ~,i> pohon yg rimbun menampan jatuhnya; have a ~, jatuh: <i>he had a ~ from the horse,i> dia jatuh dr kuda itu; in the ~, /semasa, ketika/ jatuh: <i>he was badly hurt in the ~,i> dia cedera teruk semasa jatuh; b. (<i>of treei>) tumbang(nya); c. (<i>of leavesi>) gugur(nya), luruh(nya): <i>the autumn ~ of leaves,i> daun-daun gugur dlm musim luruh; d. (<i>of fruiti>) gugur(nya), jatuh(nya): <i>the ~ of an apple from a tree,i> epal gugur dr pokok; e. (<i>of tower, roof, etci>) runtuh(nya), roboh(nya): <i>a large crowd watched the ~ of the tower,i> orang ramai melihat menara itu runtuh; f. (<i>of rain, snowi>) turun(nya): <i>a heavy ~ of snow,i> salji turun lebat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
encircle<i>vti> 1. <i>form a circle around,i> mengelilingi:<i>the new road ~s the town,i> jalan baru itu mengelilingi bandar; <i>a lake ~d by trees,i> tasik yg dikelilii pohon; 2. <i>surround, encompass,i> mengelilingi, mengepungi: <i>the police ~d the building,i> polis mengelilingi bangunan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
avenue<i>ni> 1. <i>wide street,i> lebuh; 2. <i>approach roadi> (<i>to country housei>) jalan; 3. <i>road lined with trees,i> jalan yg dibarisi [<i>ni>]: <i>an ~ of senna trees,i> jalan yg dibarisi pohon sepang; 4. <i>way of approach,i> jalan: <i>his ~ of escape was blocked by several police cars,i> jalan utk dia melepaskan diri dihalang oleh beberapa buah kereta polis; <i>to explore every possible ~,i> meneroka segala jalan yg ada.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
howl<i>vii> 1. <i>make long, loud cry,i> melolong, meraung: <i>the dog ~ed all night,i> anjing itu meraung sepanjang malam; <i>the little boy ~ed in pain,i> budak kecil itu melolong kesakitan; 2. (<i>of windi>) menderu: <i>the wind ~ed through the trees,i> kedengaran angin menderu di celah-celah pohon;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intersperse<i>vti> (<i>usu pass.i>) 1. <i>scatter, set here and there,i> terdapat di sana sini: <i>there were tiny white dots ~d in the pattern,i> terdapat bintik-bintik putih pd corak itu; <i>rows of coconut palms ~d with cocoa trees,i> pokok koko terdapat di sana sini dlm deretan pohon kelapa; <i>the report was ~d with references,i> terdapat beberapa banyak rujukan di sana sini dlm laporan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
askew<i>adji> 1. <i>twisted to one side,i> herot: <i>his nose is ~,i> hidungnya herot; 2. <i>at an oblique angle,i> senget, miring; (<i>of tall, narrow sturucturei>) condong, miring; (<i>of treei>) condong: <i>a pergola that is ~,i> punjung yg senget; <i>an ~ lamp post,i> tiang lampu yg condong; <i>since the storm a number of the trees are ~,i> sejak berlakunya ribut itu beberapa batang pohon telah menjadi condong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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