intertwine | vi berjalin: the vines ~ to form a dense cover, pokok-pokok menjalar itu berjalin dan membentuk naungan yg tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blossom | vi 1. berbunga: the trees will soon ~, pokok-pokok itu akan berbunga tdk lama lagi; 2. (fig.) mekar, berkembang: their romance ~ed, percintaan mereka mekar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fruit | vi berbuah: the apple trees are ~ing well this year, pokok-pokok epal itu berbuah lebat tahun ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blooming | adj 1. flowering, sedang berbunga: ~ angsanas, pokok-pokok sena yg sedang berbunga; 2. glowing, berseri: she was ~ and looking pretty, wajahnya berseri dan kelihatan cantik; 3. flourishing, sedang berkembang: a ~ area of research, bidang kajian yg sedang berkembang; 4. (sl) bloody, [not translated]: a ~ idiot, si bodoh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defoliate | vt meranggas: chemicals were used to ~ the forest, bahan kimia digunakan supaya pokok-pokok di hutan itu meranggas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze2 | vt membuat /takik, takuk/ pd, menakik, menakuk: to ~ trees that are to be cut down, membuat takik pd pokok-pokok yg hendak ditebang; ~ a trail, a. membuat /takik, takuk/ pd pokok utk merintis jalan; b. (fig.) merintis jalan: his research ~d a trail for space travel, penyelidikannya merintis jalan bagi pengembaraan ke angkasa lepas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flank | vt (often pass.) mengapit: the avenue was ~ed by palm trees, lebuh itu diapit oleh pokok-pokok palma; the standard-bearer, ~ed by two lieutenants, approached the podium, pembawa panji, diapit oleh dua orang leftenan, berjalan menghampiri podium itu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | is there any ~ news from the border?, ada berita baru dr sempadan?; the trees are putting out ~ shoots, pokok-pokok itu mengeluarkan pucuk baru; don’t sit on the bench; the paint is still ~, jangan duduk atas bangku itu; catnya masih basah; ~ from st, baru + approp v sst: the biscuits are ~ from the oven, biskut itu baru keluar dr ketuhar; a boy ~ from college, budak lelaki yg baru tamat universiti; 3. not worn by use, clean and bright, bersih: she put ~ sheets on the bed, dia membentangkan cadar bersih di atas katil itu; he put on a ~ shirt before going out, dia memakai kemeja bersih sebelum keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | adj 1. no longer living, a. (gen ), (sudah, telah) mati: ~ trees, pokok-pokok yg sudah mati; ~ insects, serangga mati; ~ wood, kayu mati; b. (of person), /sudah, telah/ /meninggal dunia, mati/; (of royalty), /sudah, telah/ mangkat; (of prophet), /sudah, telah/ wafat; (coarse), /sudah, telah/ /mampus, kojol/; c. (of flower), /sudah, telah/ layu; d. (of leaf) kering; 2. inanimate, tdk bernyawa: ~ matter, benda yg tdk bernyawa; 3. numb, kebas: his fingers are ~ with cold, jari-jarinya kebas krn kesejukan; 4. (of sound) bengap, benak, pekak: the ~ sound of the coin as it hit the floor, bunyi bengap syiling itu ketika jatuh ke lantai; 5. (of colour) usam, kusam, pekat: ~ black, warna hitam usam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blossom | n flower, bunga: apple ~, bunga epal; in (full) ~, sedang berbunga: the mango trees are in ~, pokok-pokok mangga sedang berbunga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |