Maklumat Kata

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

honkn 1. sound (of car horn) bunyi pon(-pon): the ~ of the car horn woke me, bunyi pon kereta membuat saya terjaga; 2. cry (of wild goose etc) bunyi ang: the ~s of geese greeted us as we came through the gate, bunyi ang angsa menyambut kami sebaik sahaja kami masuk melalui pintu pagar itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hootn 1. owl’s cry, bunyi burung hantu; 2. sound resembling this, a. (of car horn etc) bunyi pon(-pon); b. (of whistle), (bunyi) siut; 3. sound made to show disapproval, contempt, etc, bunyi mengejek: the ~s of the audience could be heard outside the hall, bunyi mengejek para penonton boleh didengar hingga di luar dewan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hootvi 1. (of owl) bunyi: I heard an owl ~ing, saya terdengar bunyi burung hantu; 2. (of car, car horn), berbunyi pon(-pon) ; 3. (of train, whistle, etc), (peluit) bersiut: the train ~ed as it entered the station, peluit kereta api itu bersiut ketika kereta api masuk ke stesen; 4. make hooting sound to jeer etc, mengejek: the audience ~ed, para penonton mengejek;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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