expected | adj dijangka: ~ performance, prestasi yg dijangka; the group’s ~ profit, keuntungan kumpulan yg dijangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erratic | adj tdk menentu: the disease followed an ~ course, penyakit itu berkembang secara tdk menentu; the car’s performance is rather ~, prestasi kereta itu agak tdk menentu; his behaviour has been quite ~, kelakuannya agak tdk menentu; an ~ badminton player, pemain badminton yg permainannya tdk menentu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finding | n 1. st learnt as result of investigation, dapatan: one remarkable ~ was that left-handed children do better at school, satu dapatan yg menghairankan ialah murid-murid kidal mencapai prestasi yg lebih baik di sekolah; 2. (leg.) pendapat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correlation | n 1. act, process of correlating, menghubungkaitkan; 2. reciprocal relationship, hubung kait; (math & phys) korelasi: the ~ between performance and reward, hubung kait antara prestasi dgn ganjaran; the ~ between climate and vegetation, hubung kait antara iklim dgn tumbuh-tumbuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | adj 1. very unsatisfactory, buruk, tdk baik: ~ working conditions, keadaan kerja yg buruk; a ~ essay, karangan yg buruk; the treatment was ~, layanan yg diberikan buruk; a ~ performance by the company, prestasi yg buruk oleh syarikat itu; 2. unfavourable, unpleasant, buruk: a ~ dream, mimpi yg buruk; ~ effects, kesan-kesan buruk; a ~ experience, pengalaman buruk; a ~ influence, pengaruh buruk; I have ~ news for you, saya ada berita buruk utk kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decline | n kemerosotan: a ~ in population, kemerosotan jumlah penduduk; the ~ of the British Empire, kemerosotan Empayar British; a ~ in share prices, kemerosotan harga-harga saham; the ~ of so’s strength, kemerosotan tenaga sso; be on the ~, sedang merosot: our sales performance is on the ~, prestasi jualan kami sedang merosot; /go, fall/ into ~, merosot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ off, a. leave, pergi: don’t ~ off without me, jangan pergi tanpa saya; b. be fired, explode, meletup: the gun went off accidentally, senapang itu meletup dgn tdk sengaja; c. (of alarm, alarm clock) berbunyi; d. (colloq) deteriorate, merosot, menurun: the player’s form has ~ne off lately, prestasi pemain itu telah merosot akhir-akhir ini; e. turn sour, menjadi masam; f. go bad, menjadi busuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curve | n 1. smooth, bending line, lengkung(an), lengkok: the ~ of the rainbow, lengkungan pelangi; the ~ of her eyebrows, lengkok alisnya; 2. bend in the road, selekoh: a road full of sharp ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh-selekoh yg tajam; 3. line representing data on graph, lengkung, keluk: the annual sales performance ~, keluk prestasi jualan tahunan; 4. (in pl) curved parts of woman’s body, potongan badan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
form | 4. (gram.) bentuk: the plural ~s of English verbs, bentuk-bentuk jamak kata kerja Inggeris; 5. document to be filled in, borang: an application ~, borang permohonan; to fill in a ~, mengisi borang; 6. series of prescribed actions, ceremony, tatacara: the traditional ~ of the marriage service, tatacara tradisional perkahwinan; 7. class in secondary school, tingkatan; 8. a. (in sport) fitness, ability, kecergasan, ketangkasan: his ~ has deteriorated recently, kecergasannya telah menurun akhir-akhir ini; b. performance, prestasi: judging by recent ~, West Germany should easily win the match tonight, memandangkan prestasinya baru-baru ini, Jerman Barat agaknya akan memenangi perlawanan malam ini dgn mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judge | vt 1. hear and pass judgement, a. (of God) mengadili: God will ~ all men, Tuhan akan mengadili semua manusia; b. (in court of law) menghakimi: do you know who is going to ~ the murder case?, tahukah kamu siapa yg akan menghakimi kes itu?; 2. decide result of (competition etc) mengadili, menghakimi: she will be judging the baby show next week, dia akan mengadili pertandingan bayi minggu hadapan; 3. evaluate, assess, menilai: to ~ a man by the clothes he wears, menilai sso drpd pakaiannya; it’s not for me to ~ you, saya tdk berhak menilai saudara; schools are usually ~d by the performance of their students in exams, sekolah biasanya dinilai drpd prestasi penuntut dlm peperiksaan; 4. estimate, menganggarkan: she ~d him to be about 65, dia menganggarkan umur lelaki itu sekitar 65 tahun; he ~d that there must be at least twenty people living in the small house, dia menganggarkan sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh orang | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |