colourful | adj berwarna-warni: a ~ butterfly, kupu-kupu yg berwarna-warni; ~ prose, prosa yg berwarna-warni; he’s had a ~ life, hidupnya berwarna-warni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intelligible | adj that can be (easily) understood, /boleh, dapat/ difahami: to write in plain, ~ prose, menulis prosa yg sederhana dan mudah difahami; the frightened child was hardly ~, kata-kata budak yg ketakutan itu tdk dapat difahami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Latin | adj 1. (of language) bahasa Latin; (of verse, inscription, etc) Latin: ~-based languages, bahasa-bahasa yg berasaskan bahasa Latin; the teacher set the class a ~ prose, guru itu menyuruh murid-muridnya membuat prosa Latin; 2. (of race, peoples, etc) bangsa Latin; (rel to their characteristics) spt + approp n orang Latin: the ~ nations are found in Southern Europe, bangsa-bangsa Latin terdapat di Eropah Selatan; a person with a ~ temperament, orang yg tabiatnya spt tabiat orang Latin; ~ looks, wajah yg spt wajah orang Latin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distinctive | adj 1. distinguishing, characteristic, tersendiri: ~ features, ciri-ciri tersendiri; punks have a ~ style of dressing, golongan punk mempunyai cara berpakaian yg tersendiri; be ~ of, merupakan ciri tersendiri: the terse prose style is ~ of his writings, gaya prosa yg ringkas merupakan ciri penulisannya; 2. (ling) distingtif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |