intricate | adj 1. difficult to understand, resolve, rumit: the ~ details of the report, butir-butir yg rumit dlm laporan itu; the ~ processes of government, proses-proses pentadbiran yg rumit; ~ puzzles, teka-teki yg rumit; an ~ problem, masalah yg rumit; 2. entangled and elaborate, berjalin-jalin dan kompleks: an ~ pattern, corak yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; ~ carvings, ukiran yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; 3. complex, kompleks: an ~ mechanism, mekanisme yg kompleks; the story has an ~ plot, cerita itu mempunyai plot yg kompleks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inveigle | vt 1. create, design st new, mencipta, mereka; (tech) merekacipta, mencipta, mereka: we had to ~ new words to describe these processes, kami terpaksa mencipta perkataan-perkataan baru utk menerangkan proses-proses tersebut; what did we do before the wireless was ~ed?, apa yg kita buat sebelum wayarles dicipta?; to ~ a mechanical tapping knife, merekacipta alat penoreh getah mekanikal; 2. make up, membuat-buat, mereka(-reka); (story) membuat-buat, mereka(-reka), mengarang: he ~ed some excuse to explain his absence, dia membuat-buat dalih utk menerangkan mengapa dia tdk hadir; stop ~ing stories about your neighbours!, jangan lagi mereka-reka cerita ttg jiran kamu!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrest | n 1. act of taking into custody, penangkapan: an unlawful ~, penangkapan yg tdk sah; to effect an ~, melakukan penangkapan; 2. act of seizing (ship) legally, penahanan; 3. also arrestation, act of stopping, checking, a. (progress, spread, flow, etc) penyekatan, tersekatnya, terhentinya; (development) penyekatan, pembantutan, tersekatnya, terhentinya: a stroke causes a partial ~ of the vital processes, strok menyebabkan tersekatnya sebahagian drpd proses-proses penting; b. (growth) pembantutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
differentiating | adj pembezaan: ~ process, proses pembezaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade-out | n (in film etc ), (proses) melenyapkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade-in | n (in film etc ), (proses) pendam masuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complexity | n 1. state of being complex, kerumitan, kekompleksan: the ~ of our thought processes, kekompleksan proses pemikiran kita; 2. st complex, hal yg rumit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judicial | adj 1. of, rel to judges, court of justice, etc, kehakiman: ~ powers, kuasa kehakiman; ~ process, proses kehakiman; ~ settlement, penyelesaian kehakiman; ~ system, sistem kehakiman; 2. impartial, tdk berat sebelah: the arbitrator was a man with a ~ mind, penimbang tara itu ialah orang yg tdk berat sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adoption | n 1. taking as o’s own, pengambilan anak angkat: ~ is a lengthy process, pengambilan anak angkat melibatkan proses yg memakan masa; 2. accepting and following, pengambilan: the ~ of the new regulation, pengambilan peraturan baru; 3. taking up, pengambilan: the ~ of foreign words, pengambilan kata-kata asing; 4. accepting, penerimaan: the ~ of the minutes was agreed, penerimaan minit mesyuarat itu telah dipersetujui. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alimentary | adj 1. nourishing, berkhasiat; 2. performing function of nutrition, penghadaman, pencernaan: the ~ processes of the body, proses penghadaman dlm badan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |