buildup | n 1. progressive increase in size etc, a. (of clouds, dust) makin membangun; b. (of troops) pembesaran; c. (of traffic) makin /berjejal-jejal, sesak/; d. (of pressure) bertambahnya, meningkatnya; e. (of steam, heat) bertambahnya: the ~ of heat in the engine, bertambahnya haba dlm enjin itu; f. (of weapons etc) pertambahan, bertambahnya; g. (of tension, excitement, etc) meningkatnya; 2. favourable extravagant publicity, publisiti (besar-besaran): despite the tremendous ~, he lost to his opponent, walaupun mendapat publisiti besar-besaran, dia kalah di tangan lawannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boost | n 1. encouragement, menggalakkan; (to morale, spirits) perangsang: the publicity gave a ~ to sales, publisiti itu menggalakkan jualan; 2. increase, pertambahan; (of price, salary, etc) kenaikan: the 4% reduction in the tax will be a ~ to investment, penurunan cukai tersebut sebanyak 4% akan menghasilkan pertambahan pelaburan; a ~ in the price of food, kenaikan harga makanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | pesaing-pesaing kita; get off the ~, a. (of an aircraft) naik; b. (fig.) mula bergerak: at last, the much publicised project is getting off the ~, akhirnya, projek yg mendapat banyak publisiti itu mula bergerak; go to ~, menyembunyikan diri: the criminal went to ~ when he heard the police were after him, penjenayah itu menyembunyikan diri apabila mendengar pihak polis sedang mencarinya; /hold, stand, keep/ o’s ~, (lit. & fig.) tdk berganjak: he held his ~ though he was threatened with dismissal, dia tdk berganjak walaupun diugut akan dibuang kerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avid | adj 1. very keen, sangat /suka, gemar/: an ~ reader, orang yg sangat suka membaca; 2. desirous, terlalu mengingini: his ~ fondness for publicity, dia terlalu mengingini publisiti; to be ~ for power, terlalu mengingini kuasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |