gill 1 | /be, go/ /green, white/ about the ~s, kelihatan /pucat-lesi, pucat-pasi/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ghastly | adj 1. horrifying, dahsyat: a ~ crime, jenayah yg dahsyat; a ~ wound, luka yg dahsyat; 2. deathly pale, pucat-lesi, pucat-pasi: she looked ~, dia kelihatan pucat-lesi; 3. (colloq) very bad, shocking, unpleasant, teruk (betul): it was a ~ dinner, jamuan makan malam itu teruk betul; someone has made a ~ mistake, ada orang telah membuat kesilapan yg teruk; 4. (colloq) quite ill, teruk: I haven’t slept for two days and I feel ~, sudah dua hari saya tak tidur dan teruk betul rasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deathly | adv spt mayat; ~ /pale, white/, pucat /lesi, pasi/, pucat spt mayat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadly | adv deathlike, spt mayat: hands that felt ~ cold, tangan yg sejuk spt mayat; ~ /pale, white/, pucat /lesi, pasi/, pucat spt mayat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cadaverous | adj pucat /lesi, pasi/: a ~ face, muka yg pucat lesi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | ~ and gone, sudah /tdk ada lagi, meninggal dunia/; ~ from the neck up, (colloq) otak /udang, ayam, telur/; ~ white, (of countenance) pucat /lesi, pasi/, pucat spt mayat; a ~ loss, (colloq) a. a complete loss, kerugian (yg) besar; b. a worthless person, (orang yg) tdk berguna langsung; a ~ shot, a. (of person) penembak yg handal; b. (of shot) tembakan yg tepat; /almost, nearly/ ~, (colloq ), (with cold, hunger, etc), (sejuk, lapar, dsb) bagai nak mati: he was almost ~ with hunger, dia lapar bagai nak mati; be ~ on time, sampai tepat pd waktunya; (be) ~ to, tdk /kenal, mengenal/: his heart was ~ to pity, dia tdk kenal belas kasihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanch | vi menjadi pucat: her face ~ed with fear, mukanya menjadi pucat krn ketakutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ashen2 | adj 1. deadly pale, pucat /lesi, kemasi, lesu, pasi/: his face was ~ with fear, mukanya pucat lesi krn takut; 2. of, consisting of ashes, abu; 3. ash-coloured, berwarna keabu-abuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colour | give false ~ to, membelit-belitkan: reporters sometimes have the tendency to give false ~ to the news they report, wartawan-wartawan kadangkala cenderung utk membelit-belitkan berita yg dilaporkan; have a high ~, [muka sso] kemerah-merahan; have /very little, not much/ ~, pucat: she has very little ~, dia pucat or mukanya pucat; lose ~, (kelihatan) pucat: due to the illness, he had lost a little ~ from his cheeks, disebabkan penyakit itu, mukanya kelihatan agak pucat; nail o’s ~s to the mast, make known o’s opinions, principles, etc, menyatakan pendirian sso; paint st in glowing ~s, memberikan gambaran yg indah; sail under false ~s, berpura-pura: she liked to appear generous but we knew all along that she was sailing under false ~s, dia suka dilihat spt orang yg pemurah tetapi kami tahu dia hanya berpura-pura; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deathly | adj 1. (of person’s face ) pucat spt mayat; 2. (of paleness, pallor) spt mayat: his face began to change to a ~ paleness, mukanya mula berubah menjadi pucat spt mayat; 3. (of silence) sunyi; 4. (of stillness) sesepi-sepinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |