bounce | ~ back, pulih dgn cepat: he ~d back after his defeat, dia pulih dgn cepat selepas kekalahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convalesce | vi berehat supaya /sembuh, pulih/: she is convalescing after the operation, dia sedang berehat supaya sembuh selepas menjalani pembedahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convalescent | n pesakit yg kian /sembuh, pulih/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convalescent | adj 1. recovering from illness, kian /sembuh, pulih/; 2. of, for convalescence or convalescent, pemulihan: ~ home, rumah pemulihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convalescence | n 1. gradual recovery of health, sembuh, pulih: the patient’s ~ was slow, pesakit itu lambat sembuh; 2. period of recuperation, /masa, tempoh/ pemulihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heal | vi usu ~ up, ~ over, 1. sembuh, baik; (of broken bone) bertaut semula: the wound soon ~ed up, tdk lama luka itu pun sembuh; 2. (fig.) pulih: the rift between them ~ed over and they are now quite friendly, perhubungan yg retak antara mereka sudah pulih dan mereka sekarang berbaik semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ over, a. climb over, melepasi: to ~ over a wall, melepasi tembok; b. cross (road, body of water) menyeberangi; c. recover from (illness) sembuh, pulih: it took me a long time to ~ over the flu, lama benar utk saya sembuh drpd demam selesema; d. recover from (shock, so’s death, disappointment, etc, [various translations]: he still has not got over the death of his wife, dia masih belum pulih drpd kesedihan krn kematian isterinya; a bitter experience that is not easily got over, pengalaman pahit yg sukar dilupakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 11. get official approval, meluluskan: plans for the restoration of the historic village have not been ~ed by the local council, rancangan utk membaik pulih kampung yg bersejarah itu belum diluluskan oleh majlis tempatan; 12. vet, menapis: he will first have to be ~ed by the Special Branch, terlebih dahulu dia mestilah ditapis oleh Cawangan Khas; 13. (cheque) menjelaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiatus | n 1. (fml) interruption, terhenti: relations between the two countries were restored after a 10-year ~, hubungan antara kedua-dua buah negara pulih semula selepas terhenti selama 10 tahun; 2. break, gap, kerumpangan: that period was a ~ in recorded history, tempoh waktu itu merupakan kerumpangan dlm sejarah yg tertulis; 3. (ling & anat) hitus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circulation | back in ~, in ~ again, (of person) mula bergaul semula: now that she has fully recovered from her illness, she’s back in ~, oleh sebab dia telah betul-betul pulih drpd penyakitnya, dia mula bergaul semula; be in ~, a. be in distribution, diedarkan; (of newspaper etc) dijual: the report was in ~ even before the government had made it official, laporan itu telah pun diedarkan sebelum kerajaan menjadikannya laporan rasmi; the newspaper is no longer in ~, akhbar itu tdk dijual lagi; b. (of currency) dlm peredaran, diedarkan: the government has no plans to increase the number of one ringgit coins in ~, kerajaan tdk mempunyai rancangan utk menambah jumlah syiling seringgit dlm peredaran; c. (of ideas, rumours, etc) tersebar; be out of ~, (of person) tdk berdunia: she’s out of ~ because she’s working on her latest novel, dia tdk berdunia krn sibuk menulis novel terbarunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |