collect | ~ for, membuat /pungutan, kutipan/: we’re ~ing for Razak, would you like to chip in?, kami membuat pungutan utk Razak, kamu ingin menyumbang?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleanings | n 1. saki-baki tuaian; 2. (fig.) kutipan, pungutan: he relied on ~ from the newspapers for information, dia bergantung pd kutipan drpd surat khabar utk mendapatkan maklumat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | 7. (indic one of two extremes) daripada: the shoes are priced ~ $100 to $300, kasut-kasut itu berharga daripada $100 hingga $300; he approved all the opposition’s demands, ~ the holding of a referendum to economic reforms, dia meluluskan semua tuntutan pihak pembangkang, daripada mengadakan pungutan suara hingga ke perubahan ekonomi; 8. (indic reason, cause) kerana, sebab, akibat: he did it ~ revenge, dia melakukannya kerana membalas dendam; she was exhausted ~ the walk, dia keletihan kerana berjalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collection | n 1. act of, a. (calling for, receiving rent, taxes, etc) pemungutan; b. (fetching) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of mail is at 8 a.m., mel diambil pd pukul 8 pagi; 2. st collected, koleksi: he has a fine ~ of paintings, dia mempunyai koleksi lukisan yg baik; his ~ of butterflies, koleksi kupu-kupunya; the spring ~ for this year, koleksi musim bunga utk tahun ini; 3. anthology, kumpulan: a ~ of short stories, kumpulan cerpen; 4. money collected at meeting etc, (jumlah) pungutan; 5. st that has collected together, terkumpul, himpunan: the ~ of soot in the chimney, jelaga yg terkumpul dlm serombong; a ~ of rubbish, himpunan sampah-sarap; 6. time postman empties post box, waktu mengambil surat: when is the next ~?, bilakah waktu mengambil surat selepas ini?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |