cigarette-end | n puntung rokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignite | vt (with human agent) mencucuh, menyalakan; (with non-human agent) menyebabkan sst /bernyala, menyala/: his cigarette stub ~d the petrol, puntung rokoknya telah menyebabkan petrol itu menyala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | 4. share, part, portion, [various translations]: his ~ of the bargain, bahagiannya dlm tawar-menawar itu; no problem at my ~, tdk ada masalah bagi diri saya; 5. (often in pl) remnant, fragment, a. (of cigarette, candle) puntung; b. (of cloth, rope) hujung-hujung: they are selling ~s of material cheaply, mereka menjual hujung-hujung kain dgn murah; 6. a ceasing to exist, a. death, [various translations]: his ~ was peaceful, dia mati dgn tenang; he is nearing his ~, dia hampir mati; she came to an untimely ~, dia mati muda; an opponent of slavery till his very ~, penentang perhambaan sehingga ke akhir hayat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grind | ~ st into, a. see (vt sense 1.); b. press st forcibly into, menenyehkan sst pd: she ground her heel into the sand, dia menenyehkan tumitnya pd pasir; after ~ing his cigarette butt into the ashtray, he left the room, setelah menenyeh-nenyehkan puntung rokoknya pd bekas abu rokok, dia keluar dr bilik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
butt1 | n 1. end, a. (of spear, whip, arrow) pangkal, tenu; b. (of gun, rifle) buntut; c. (of fishing rod) pangkal; 2. the base of a tree trunk, perdu, pangkal; 3. stub (of cigarette) puntung; 4. (sl) the buttocks, punggung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brand | n 1. trademark, jenama; 2. make of product with such a mark, jenis, [sometimes not translated]; (of product that bears a chop, esp in the Far East) cap: what ~ of soap do you use?, sabun (jenis) apa yg anda gunakan?; 3. special kind, jenis: I don’t like his ~ of humour, saya tdk suka akan jenis jenakanya; 4. identifying mark made by hot iron, tanda selar; 5. iron used to produce such mark, besi penyelar; 6. mark of disgrace, stigma, tanda: he bore the ~ of a coward, ada tanda seorang pengecut pd dirinya; 7. burning or burnt stick, puntung /api, kayu/; 8. (poet.) a. torch, suluh; b. sword, pedang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |