ancestral | adj 1. of ancestors, nenek moyang: ~ portrait, potret nenek moyang; ~ customs, adat nenek moyang; 2. inherited from ancestors, pusaka: ~ home, rumah pusaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inheritance | n 1. act of inheriting (money, property, title, etc) pewarisan, mewarisi: after his ~ of the estate he sold much of the land, setelah mewarisi harta pusaka itu dia menjual sebahagian besar tanah tersebut; the title is his by ~, dia mewarisi gelaran itu; 2. st inherited, warisan; (money, property), (harta) warisan, (harta) pusaka: within a year of his father’s death, he had spent all his ~, dlm masa setahun selepas kematian bapanya, dia telah membelanjakan semua harta warisannya; cultural ~, warisan budaya; genetic ~ warisan genetik; /come into, take possession of/ o’s ~, mewarisi harta sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heritable | adj 1. that is passed on through inheritance, boleh /diwarisi, diturunkan/: ~ estate, harta pusaka yg boleh diwarisi; 2. that is naturally transmitted from one generation to another, terwariskan, turun-temurun: ~ diseases, penyakit yg terwariskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jointly | adv 1. (foll verb) bersama: to inherit ~ the estate of the deceased, memiliki bersama harta pusaka si mati; 2. (preceding adj) sama-sama: to be ~ liable for the damage, dianggap sama-sama bertanggungjawab atas kerosakan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bequest | n 1. act of bequeathing, pewasiatan, mewasiatkan, pewarisan; 2. st bequeathed, wasiat, warisan, pusaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hereditary | adj 1. rel to heredity, a. (gen) keturunan, kebakaan: ~ diseases, penyakit keturunan; ~ predisposition, predisposisi kebakaan; ~ transmission, penyaluran kebakaan; b. (of physical characteristics) mengikut keturunan: the colour of the skin is ~, warna kulit adalah mengikut keturunan; c. (of mental characteristics) mengikut keturunan, diwarisi; 2. (of property, title, belief, etc) turun-temurun, diwarisi: ~ estate, harta pusaka yg diwarisi; ~ rights, hak turun-temurun; ~ hatred, kebencian yg turun-temurun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hammer | n 1. (hand tool for striking) tukul, penukul; 2. power-driven device for similar purpose, tukul: pneumatic ~, tukul pneumatik; drop ~, tukul jatuh; pile ~, tukul cerucuk; 3. (of gun) tukul, ayam-ayam; 4. auctioneer’s mallet, tukul kayu, gandin; /be, come / under the ~, dilelong: the family’s heirlooms will come under the ~, barang pusaka keluarga itu akan dilelong; 5. bone in the ear, tulang tukul; 6. (in sports) tukul; throwing the ~, humban tukul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
estate | n 1. a. piece of land in the country with a large house on it and one owner, estet: he owns an ~ near Leeds, dia memiliki estet berhampiran dgn Leeds; b. (UK) large area of land on which factories, houses, etc are built, kawasan: the Senawang Industrial E~, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang; a housing ~, kawasan perumahan; 2. (leg.) a. all the money and property left behind by a deceased person, harta pusaka; b. all the money and property belonging to a living person, estet; 3. plantation, ladang; 4. (fml & old-fashioned) standing, kedudukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |