hub | n 1. hab; 2. (fig.) pusat: the ~ of commerce in the Far East, pusat perdagangan di Timur Jauh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bull’s-eye | n 1. centre of target, /pusat, mata/ /sasaran, bulan-bulan/: his shot hit the ~, tembakannya mengenai pusat sasaran; 2. shot hitting centre of target, tembakan tepat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
base1 | Scott’s ~ during his expedition, pangkalan Scott semasa ekspedisinya; ~ camp, kem induk; b. (for commercial purposes etc) pusat /operasi, kegiatan/: he made Singapore the ~ for his marketing activities, dijadikannya Singapura pusat operasi pemasarannya; 6. fundamental ingredient, bahan /dasar, asas/: oil is often used as a ~ for paint, minyak kerap digunakan sbg bahan asas cat; 7. (of bodily part, organ) pangkal: the ~ of the thumb, pangkal ibu jari; the ~ of the tongue, pangkal lidah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
centre | n 1. the middle part, bahagian tengah: the depressed ~ of the crater, bahagian tengah kawah gunung berapi yg lekuk; in the ~, a. at a point or position in the middle, di tengah-tengah; b. in the middle part or area, di bahagian tengah; 2. (math & science) pusat: ~ of a circle, pusat bulatan; ~ of oscillation, pusat ayunan; 3. principal point of some activity, pusat: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-based | adj 1. having as fundamental ingredient, berasaskan [sst], yg menggunakan [sst] sbg bahan /dasar, asas/: rubber ~ products, hasil keluaran yg berasaskan getah; 2. having base on, in, etc, a. (mil) /berpangkalan, bertempat/ di: carrier ~ aircraft, kapal terbang yg berpangkalan di kapal induk: land ~ forces, angkatan bersenjata yg berpangkalan di darat; b. (other than military) yg /berpusat, pusat operasinya, mempunyai pusat operasi/ di: a Penang ~ company, syarikat yg pusat operasinya di Pulau Pinang; 3. having a basis, mempunyai asas, [adj] asasnya: a soundly ~ argument, hujah yg kukuh asasnya; 4. having as base, berpuncakan, berdasarkan: Spanish is Latin ~, bahasa Sepanyol berpuncakan bahasa Latin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
base1 | vt station, place, a. (mil), (act) menempatkan; (pass) berpangkalan, bertempat, ditempatkan: the army decided to ~ the Third Brigade in the north, pihak tentera memutuskan utk menempatkan Briged Ketiga di utara; b. (other than military) berpusat, pusat /operasi, kegiatan/: our company is ~d in Hong Kong, syarikat kami berpusat di Hong Kong; where are you ~d?, di mana pusat operasi kamu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravity | n 1. (phys) graviti: centre of ~, pusat graviti; 2. quality of being solemn, keseriusan, seriusnya: from the ~ of his expression she realised that something was wrong, drpd keseriusan wajahnya dia tahu bahawa ada sst yg tdk kena; 3. quality of needing urgent attention, seriousness, seriusnya, keseriusan, serius; (of news) merunsingkan; (of offence, charge, accusation, etc) seriusnya, beratnya; (rel to illness or a sick person’s condition), (keadaan yg) /serius, teruk/; (of responsibility) beratnya: the ~ of the economic situation cannot be disregarded, keadaan ekonomi yg serius itu tdk boleh dipandang ringan; news of considerable ~, berita yg agak merunsingkan; I don’t think you realize the ~ of the accusations, saya tdk fikir kamu sedar betapa beratnya tuduhan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | n 1. perfectly round figure, bulatan: the centre of a ~, pusat bulatan; drawing ~s in the sand, melukis bulatan pd pasir; to cut out a large ~ of cloth, memotong sekeping bulatan besar dr kain; the children joined hands and formed a ~, kanak-kanak itu berpegang tangan dan membuat satu bulatan; 2. halo, ring, lingkaran: the ~ of light around the moon, lingkaran cahaya di keliling bulan; a ~ of trees, selingkaran pokok; 3. see CYCLE; 4. (theatr) tempat duduk utama; 5. ring of a circus, gelanggang; 6. (geog) bulatan: the Arctic C~, Bulatan Artik; 7. (of road) bulatan; 8. set, group, lingkungan: in political ~s, dlm lingkungan ahli politik; 9. sphere, lingkungan: sports is not within my ~ of interest, sukan bukan dlm lingkungan minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreground | n 1. latar depan: I am in the ~ of the photograph, saya berada di latar depan gambar itu; 2. (fig.) a. position of importance, tempat yg utama: the question of peace is in the ~ of our minds, persoalan perdamaian mendapat tempat yg utama dlm fikiran kami; b. centre of attention, pusat perhatian: the tax reforms are still in ~ of public attention, pembaruan cukai masih merupakan pusat perhatian umum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
central | adj 1. pertaining to the middle point or part, tengah: the ~ parts of Australia are mostly desert, sebahagian besar bahagian tengah Australia adalah padang pasir; 2. at a point or position in the middle, di tengah-tengah: a ~ location in the district, kedudukan di tengah-tengah daerah itu; 3. leading, chief, utama: the ~ characters in the play, watak-watak utama dlm lakonan itu; the ~ aim of the new government, tujuan utama kerajaan baru itu; 4. dominant, pokok: the ~ theme, tema pokok; 5. controlling, directing, pusat: ~ curriculum committee, jawatankuasa kurikulum pusat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |