continual | adj 1. happening without interruption, sentiasa: the patient seems to be in ~ pain, pesakit itu nampak sentiasa dlm kesakitan; 2. repeated, recurring frequently, tdk /putus-putus, henti-henti/, berterusan, berlarutan: their ~ bickering annoyed the neighbours, pertengkaran mereka yg tdk putus-putus itu menyakiti hati jiran mereka; this ~ rain is depressing, hujan yg tdk henti-henti ini memasyghulkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constant | adj 1. unchanging, tetap, malar: to drive at a ~ speed, memandu dgn kelajuan yg tetap; ~ temperature, suhu malar; 2. continuous, sentiasa; (of chattering, complaint, interruption) tdk /putus-putus, henti-henti/: she needs ~ attention, dia sentiasa memerlukan perhatian; her ~ complaints irritated her husband, rungutannya yg tdk putus-putus menjengkelkan suaminya; 3. faithful, setia: a ~ friend, kawan setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jabber | n 1. ( of person) celoteh: their endless ~ irritated him, celoteh mereka yg tdk putus-putus itu menjengkelkannya; 2. (of animal) gericau: the ~ of monkeys, gericau monyet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopelessly | adv 1. despairingly, dgn rasa putus asa: he shook his head ~, dia menggelengkan kepalanya dgn rasa putus asa; 2. impossibly, betul-betul: we were ~ lost in the thick jungle, kami betul-betul sesat dlm hutan tebal itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopeless | adj 1. despairing, putus asa: some girls do feel ~ if they are not married by a certain age, sesetengah gadis berasa putus asa jika tdk berkahwin pd umur tertentu; 2. showing despair, kecewa: ~ tears, air mata kecewa; 3. desperate, promising no hope, tdk ada harapan lagi: a ~ situation, keadaan yg tdk ada harapan lagi; a ~ case, kes yg tdk ada harapan lagi; 4. incurable, tdk ada harapan utk sembuh: a ~ illness, penyakit yg tdk ada harapan utk sembuh; a ~ invalid, orang cacat yg tdk ada harapan utk sembuh; 5. (colloq) not good, tak pandai langsung: she’s ~ at cooking, dia tdk pandai langsung dlm masak-memasak; 6. (colloq) useless, tak guna langsung: you’re ~, kamu tak guna langsung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discontinuity | n (fml) 1. intermittence, ketidaksinambungan, terputus-putus: ~ of ideas, gagasan yg terputus-putus; 2. (math) ketakselanjaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broken | adj 1. shattered, pecah: a ~ windscreen, cermin depan yg pecah; a ~ cup, cawan yg pecah; a piece of ~ /glass, metal, etc/, serpihan /kaca, logam, dll/; 2. severed, putus: the detectives examined the ~ rope, mata-mata gelap memeriksa tali yg putus itu; a ~ light beam, alur cahaya yg putus; he tried to repair their broken relationship, dia mencuba memulihkan hubungan mereka yg putus; 3. snapped, fractured, patah: a badly ~ arm, tangan yg patah teruk; one of the table’s legs is ~, salah satu drpd kaki meja itu patah; the gardener cleared away the ~ branches, tukang kebun itu membuang ranting-ranting yg patah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discontinuous | adj 1. characterized by breaks, interruptions, tdk berkesinambungan, terputus-putus, tdk berterusan: a ~ line, garisan yg terputus-putus; 2. (math) tak selanjar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | n 1. hole, lubang; (narrow) celah: the calf disappeared through a ~ in the wall, anak lembu itu menghilang melalui lubang pd tembok; 2. broken part, area , (bahagian yg) /pecah, patah, putus, dll/: the ~ is near the ankle, bahagian yg patah itu dekat dgn buku lali; there were so many ~s in the film that it was not worth repairing it, banyak bahagian filem ini yg putus sehingga tdk guna membaikinya or filem ini putus pd begitu banyak tempat sehingga tdk guna membaikinya; the virus can get in through a ~ in the skin, virus tersebut dapat masuk melalui kulit yg jejas; 3. stoppage, berhenti, terhenti: during a ~ in the conversation, a child’s voice was heard, sewaktu perbualan itu terhenti, kedengaran suara kanak-kanak; they waited on the verandah, hoping for a ~ in the rain, mereka menunggu di beranda, mengharapkan hujan akan berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hopelessness | n 1. despair, rasa putus asa; 2. desperateness, (keadaan yg) tdk ada harapan lagi: the rebels must have realised the ~ of their struggle, pemberontak-pemberontak mesti telah sedar bahawa perjuangan mereka tdk ada harapan lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |