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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

floodgaten /get, pintu/ banjir; open the ~s, merobohkan benteng: the new law on freedom of the press opened the ~s of revolution, undang-undang baru ttg kebebasan akhbar merobohkan benteng thdp revolusi; my query about her husband opened the ~s and she complained about him for the next hour and a half, soalan saya ttg suaminya merobohkan benteng, dan dia merungut tentangnya selama sejam setengah selepas itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flounder2vi 1. move with difficulty, terkial-kial: the horses ~ed in the mud, kuda-kuda itu terkial-kial di dlm lumpur; I ~ed through the deep snow trying to find help, saya terkial-kial melalui salji yg dalam mencuba mendapatkan pertolongan; 2. behave awkwardly, hesitantly, gelabah: the unexpected query about my affair with Elizabeth left me ~ing for a moment, pertanyaan yg tdk diduga ttg hubungan saya dgn Elizabeth membuat saya gelabah sejenak; 3. be in difficulties, jatuh bangun: the institute continued to ~ in the wake of the economic cut-backs, institut itu terus jatuh bangun ekoran pemotongan kewangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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