grope | ~ o’s way, /tergagau-gagau, teraba-raba, meraba-raba/ + approp v: the blind man ~d his way along the busy alley, orang buta itu meraba-raba mencari jalan di sepanjang lorong yg sibuk itu; he ~d his way out of the house and into the street, dia tergagau-gagau keluar dr rumah dan pergi ke jalan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grope | vi also ~ /about, around/, fumble, a. tergagau-gagau, teraba-raba: he ~d about in the dark for his glasses, dia teraba-raba dlm gelap mencari cermin matanya; b. (fig.) teraba-raba, tercari-cari, mencari-cari: he paused while groping after the right word, dia berhenti sejenak mencari-cari perkataan yg tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | ~ about, meraba-raba: to ~ about in the dark for the light switch, meraba-raba dlm gelap utk mencari suis lampu; ~ strongly about st, memandang berat thdp sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fumble | vi 1. also ~ about, ~ around, grope about clumsily, meraba-raba, menggagau-gagau: he was fumbling in the dark, dia meraba-raba dlm gelap; she ~d in her handbag for her keys, dia meraba-raba dlm beg tangannya utk mencari kunci; 2. say in a clumsy way, tergagap-gagap: the speaker ~d for the right word, penceramah itu tergagap-gagap mencari perkataan yg betul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feel | ~ for, a. try to find, meraba-raba mencari: she felt for the doorknob, dia meraba-raba mencari tombol pintu; b. have sympathy for, bersimpati dgn; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | b. search st, menggeledah sst; (pocket, purse, etc) meraba-raba sst: the police went through the house looking for drugs, polis menggeledah rumah itu utk mencari dadah; his wife went through his pockets looking for the keys, isterinya meraba-raba koceknya utk mencari anak kunci itu; c. inspect or examine st, memeriksa sst: the customs officer went through his bags, pegawai kastam memeriksa beg-begnya; d. scrutinize st, meneliti sst: he will ~ through your report before it is sent up to the committee, dia akan meneliti laporan kamu sebelum dihantarkan kpd jawatankuasa itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frisk | n; give so. a ~, meraba periksa sso, menjalankan raba periksa pd sso: the security guard gave him a ~ before allowing him to pass through the gate, pegawai keselamatan itu meraba periksanya sebelum membenarkan dia melepasi pintu pagar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grope | vt (colloq & derog) touch sexually, meraba-raba: his hands ~d her in the dark, tangan lelaki itu meraba-rabanya dlm gelap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dark | n 1. absence of light, gelap: she groped around in the ~, dia meraba-raba dlm gelap; afraid of the ~, takut akan gelap; 2. night, nightfall, malam tiba: they were forced to wait till ~, mereka terpaksa menunggu sehingga malam tiba; before ~, sebelum malam tiba; after ~, pd waktu malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blindly | adv 1. in a blind manner, spt orang buta: he groped ~ in the dark, dia meraba-raba spt orang buta dlm kegelapan; 2. without reason, foresight, secara /membabi buta, membuta tuli/: to follow so. ~, mengikut sso secara membabi buta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |