grazing | n also grazing land, padang ragut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fat | 4. fertile, subur: ~ pastures, padang ragut yg subur; 5. profitable, menguntungkan; (of profit) lumayan, besar; (of job) bergaji /lumayan, besar/: the tourist industry has had a ~ year, tahun ini merupakan tahun yg menguntungkan bagi industri pelancongan; ~ profits, keuntungan besar; he’s got himself a ~ job, dia memperoleh kerja yg bergaji lumayan; 6. richly rewarding, besar: he was given a ~ part in the play, dia diberi peranan yg besar dlm lakon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fecund | adj 1. fertile , subur: ~ pastures , padang ragut yg subur; 2. ntellectually productive , produktif: a ~ imagination , imaginasi yg produktif; a ~ era in the history of music, zaman produktif dlm sejarah muzik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hedge | vt enclose a. (with hedge) memagari [sst] dgn pokok renek; (when the type is specified) memagari: he ~d the back garden, dia memagari kebun di belakang rumah itu dgn pokok renek; b. (as if with hedge) memagari: a grazing field ~d by small hills, padang ragut yg dipagari bukit-bukit kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lack | n 1. (shortage) kekurangan, kurangnya, kurang; (complete absence) the students showed a ~ of interest in the subject, penuntut-penuntut itu menunjukkan minat yg kurang dlm mata pelajaran tersebut; ~ of oil caused the engine to heat up, enjin itu menjadi panas krn kekurangan minyak; / or, through /~ of, krn /kurang(nya), tdk ada/; no ~ of, banyak; (rel to response, enthusiasm, excitement, etc) sangat: there is no ~ of grazing ground for the animals, terdapat banyak padang ragut utk binatang-binatang itu; there was certainly no ~ of response to the appeal, rayuan itu memang mendapat sambutan yg sangat menggalakkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grass | n 1. various green plants with bladelike leaves, rumput: a blade of ~, sehelai rumput; 2. any species of this, rumput: he experimented with different types of ~es, dia menjalankan uji kaji thdp berbagai-bagai jenis rumput; 3. lawn, rumput: you’re not supposed to walk on the ~, kamu tdk boleh berjalan di atas rumput; 4. pasture, padang ragut; 5. (sl) marijuana, marijuana: to smoke ~, menghisap marijuana; 6. (UK), (sl) informer, tali barut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |