animated | adj 1. lively, vivacious, hidup, rancak; (of face) berseri-seri; (of person) girang: an ~ debate, perdebatan yg rancak; she was intensely ~, dia amat girang; 2. (cinemat) animasi: ~ cartoons, kartun animasi; ~ pictures, gambar-gambar animasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
animation | n 1. liveliness, vivacity, a. (of manner) dgn /rancak, bersemangat, penuh semangat/: she told the story with great ~, dia bercerita dgn amat rancak; b. (of scene) menghidupkan: little bullock carts give ~ to the scene, kereta-kereta lembu yg kecil menghidupkan pemandangan itu; 2. (cinemat) a. (technique) animasi; b. see ANIMATED CARTOON. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inanimate | adj 1. lifeless, tdk bernyawa: ~ objects, benda-benda tdk bernyawa; 2. spiritless, not animated, tdk rancak: an ~ conversation, perbualan yg tdk rancak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frothy | adj 1. berbusa, berbuih: ~ beer, bir yg berbusa; 2. (fig.) tdk /ada isi, berisi/: the conversation was gay but ~, perbualan itu rancak tetapi tdk berisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | adj 1. >quick, quick-moving, swift, a. (of person) cepat, pantas, deras: a ~ runner, pelari yg pantas; a ~ reader, pembaca yg pantas; b. (of animal) tangkas, pantas: a ~ horse, kuda yg pantas; c. (of vehicle) laju, deras: a ~ train, kereta api yg laju; a ~ car, kereta yg laju; d. (of mus) rancak; 2. accomplished in a short time, (dgn) /cepat, pantas/: that was ~ work!, cepat kamu bekerja!; 3. of short duration, singkat; (of journey) memakan /waktu, masa/ yg singkat: a ~ visit, lawatan yg singkat; 4. (of watch, clock) cepat: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invisible | adj 1. cannot be seen, tdk dapat dilihat; (of st imaginary, non-existent) halimunan, limunan, tdk dapat dilihat: the organism is ~ to the naked eye, organisma itu tdk dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar; an ~ hair net, jaring rambut yg tdk dapat dilihat; due to the thick fog, the mountain is ~ from here, kabut yg tebal menyebabkan gunung itu tdk dapat dilihat dr sini; the little girl seemed to be having a lively conversation with some ~ person, budak perempuan itu nampaknya sedang rancak berbual dgn orang yg tdk dapat dilihat; rumours about the ~ man began to circulate in the little village, cerita ttg orang limunan itu mula tersebar di kampung tersebut; 2. (econ) tak nampak: ~ export, eksport tak nampak; ~ earnings, perolehan tak nampak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |