inquire | vi bertanya: he rang up to ~ about the books he had ordered, dia menelefon utk bertanya ttg buku-buku yg dipesannya; have you ~ed about the trains to the city?, sudahkah kamu bertanya ttg kereta api ke bandar?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dive | ~ for, a. see vi (sense 2.); b. jump forwards, to one side, suddenly, menerpa ke arah: when the phone rang, both of them ~d for it, apabila telefon berdering, mereka berdua menerpa ke arahnya; ~ for cover, [no specif translation]: the men ~d for cover when the bombs started exploding, askar-askar itu berkejar mencari perlindungan apabila bom-bom mula meletup; when I saw her coming I felt like diving for cover, apabila saya nampak dia datang, saya terasa spt hendak menyorok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |