chain | n 1. series of links, rantai: a gold ~, rantai emas; cable ~, rantai kabel; 2. sequence, series, rentetan; (of events etc) rentetan, rangkaian: a ~ of thoughts, rentetan pemikiran; a ~ of events, rangkaian peristiwa; 3. (of mountains) banjaran; 4. associated group, rangkaian: a ~ of hotels, serangkaian hotel; 5. (unit of length) rantai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labyrinthine, labyrinthian | adj 1. extremely intricate, berselirat: ~ network of streets, rangkaian jalan yg berselirat; 2. (anat) labirin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complex | adj 1. composed of interconnected parts, kompleks: a ~ network of roads, suatu rangkaian jalan yg kompleks; a ~ structure, struktur yg kompleks; 2. difficult to understand, deal with, explain, etc, rumit, kompleks; (of person) sukar difahami, kompleks: a ~ problem, masalah yg rumit; 3. (gram.) kompleks; 4. (math) kompleks; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
herald | n 1. (in former times) king’s messenger, bentara; 2. st that precedes or ushers in, pengarak, tanda akan bermulanya: the cock’s crow is the ~ of the dawn, kokokan ayam jantan merupakan pengarak waktu subuh; the chain of revolutions was the ~ of social changes in Europe, rangkaian revolusi itu tanda akan bermulanya perubahan sosial di Eropah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elaborate | adj 1. meticulously worked out, (approp v + dgn) teliti: an ~ plan for the wedding, rancangan yg diatur dgn teliti utk majlis perkahwinan itu; 2. intricate, kompleks, rumit: during the war he set up an ~ network of spies and informers, semasa perang, dia menubuhkan rangkaian pengintip rahsia dan pemberi maklumat yg rumit; 3. detailed, terperinci: an ~ description of the barnacle’s life cycle, suatu huraian yg terperinci ttg edaran hidup teritip; 4. extensive, prolix, panjang lebar: the book gives an ~ account of the writer’s youth, buku itu menceritakan kisah yg panjang lebar ttg masa muda pengarang;5. ornate beradun, berhias; (of writing) berbunga-bunga: an ~ 19th century bed, sebuah katil abad ke-19 yg beradun;pages and pages of ~ verse, berhalaman-halaman sajak yg berbunga-bunga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
channel | n 1. broad strait connecting two seas, selat: the English C~, Selat Inggeris; 2. bed of stream, alur (sungai); 3. tubular passage for liquid, saluran; 4. navigable part of waterway, kawasan boleh lalu; 5. passage along which liquid flows, saluran; 6. agency, saluran: without going through the usual ~s, tanpa melalui saluran yg biasa; 7. (electr) rangkaian, saluran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inevitable | adj 1. that cannot be avoided, tdk dapat dielakkan; (of death) pasti, pasti berlaku: war between the two countries seemed ~, peperangan antara kedua-dua buah negara itu nampaknya tdk dapat dielakkan; it was ~ that you two should meet, pertemuan kamu berdua tdk dapat dielakkan; death is ~, setiap yg hidup pasti mati or kematian setiap yg hidup itu pasti berlaku; 2. (colloq or humorous), [various translations]: at ten o’clock we went to the canteen for the ~ plate of noodles, pd pukul sepuluh, spt biasa, kami ke kantin utk makan mi; a provincial town with the ~ fast-food chain, bandar kecil dgn rangkaian kedai makanan segeranya yg mesti ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |