ripen | vi become ripe, a. (of fruit, grain) masak; (of cheese, wine) matang; b. (of love), (menjadi) ranum: his love for Miriam had ~ed, sudah ranumlah cintanya pd Miriam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reach | 2. take hold of, touch, a. (by stretching out o’s hand) mencapai: I can’t ~ the top shelf, saya tdk dapat mencapai para paling atas; can you ~ the branch with the ripe fruit on it?, boleh kamu capai dahan yg buahnya sudah ranum itu?; b. (with o’s head) mencecah: his head ~ed the ceiling of the hut, kepalanya mencecah siling pondok itu; 3. pass, give with outstretched hand, menghulurkan: ~ me those books please, tolong hulurkan saya buku-buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |