dry run | n (colloq) rehearsal, raptai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dress rehearsal | n 1. (of theatrical presentation etc) latihan lengkap; 2. full-scale practice, raptai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
begin | vi 1. start, bermula; (foll a pron) memulakan: I will ~ at page seven, saya akan bermula pd muka surat tujuh; before the rainy season ~s..., sebelum musim hujan bermula...; are we all ready?. Then I’ll ~, sudahkah kita semua bersedia? Bolehlah saya mulakan; 2. be started, bermula, dimulakan: the rehearsal began at nine, raptai itu bermula pd pukul sembilan; 3. come into being, bermula, mula wujud: when the world began, ketika dunia mula wujud; 4. have starting point, bermula: the alphabet ~s with A, abjad bermula dgn huruf A; the river ~s in the Alps, sungai itu bermula di pergunungan Alp; 5. start to say, speak, mula berkata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |