brittle | adj 1. easily cracked, broken, rapuh, getas: his bones are ~, tulangnya rapuh; this china seems very ~, tembikar ini nampaknya sangat rapuh; 2. easily damaged, destroyed, rapuh: a ~ marriage, perkahwinan yg rapuh; a ~ agreement, perjanjian yg rapuh; 3. insensitive, lacking warmth, bertabiat keras: a ~, selfish woman, perempuan yg bertabiat keras dan mementingkan diri sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frail | adj 1. delicate, (of person) lemah, rapuh; (of health) mudah terganggu; (of voice) lemah: a ~ old woman, perempuan tua yg lemah; he spoke in a ~ voice, dia bercakap dgn suara yg lemah; 2. easily broken, kelihatan tdk /kukuh, kuat/, mubut: the chair looks ~, kerusi itu kelihatan mubut; 3. unable to resist temptation, lemah, rapuh: ~ humanity, manusia yg lemah or yg rapuh jiwanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragile | adj 1. easily broken, a. (of glass etc) getas, mudah pecah: ~ china, tembikar yg mudah pecah; b. (of bone) mudah patah; c. (of plant) mudah rosak; d. (of relationship) rapuh, mudah putus; 2. weak, a. (of person) lemah, rapuh: a ~ old man, lelaki tua yg lemah; b. (of system) mudah terjejas, tdk kukuh: democracy in this country is ~, demokrasi di negara ini mudah terjejas; 3. (fig.), (colloq) in poor condition, spt nak relai: what did you do last night?. You’re looking very ~ today, apa yg kamu buat malam tadi?. Kamu nampaknya spt nak relai hari ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crisp | vi also ~ up, 1. (of st baked) menjadi /rangup, rapuh/: the biscuits will ~ up if you heat them in the oven, biskut itu akan menjadi rangup sekiranya dibakar di dlm ketuhar; 2. (of vegetable, fruit) menjadi rangup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crisp | adj 1. brittle, crunchy, a. (of biscuits, pastry, etc) rangup, rapuh: ~ biscuits, biskut rangup; b. (of toast) rangup, garing; c. (of st fried) garing: ~ bacon, dendeng babi garing; d. (of snow) peroi; 2. fresh and firm, rangup; (of paper, paper money, clothes, etc) keras: ~ cabbage leaves, daun kubis yg rangup; 3. (of air, breeze, etc) invigorating, sejuk dan segar: a ~ night breeze, angin malam yg sejuk dan segar; 4. tightly curled, keriting halus: ~ hair, rambut keriting halus; 5. brisk, a. (of manner, behaviour, etc) tegas dan tdk membuang masa; b. (of speech, writing, etc) ringkas dan tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |