emanate | vi (fml) datang:the sound seemed to ~ from that room, bunyi tersebut rasanya datang dr bilik itu; the smell of fresh bread ~d from the bakery, bau roti yg baru dibakar datang dr kilang itu; the idea for the organization ~d from academic circles, buah fikiran utk mendirikan organisasi itu datang dr kalangan ilmiawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | b. (of food, taste, smell) sedap, enak: this soup tastes ~, sup ini sedap rasanya; c. (of fire) menyala dgn /baik, elok/; d. (of view) dgn /jelas, terang/: we have a ~ view of the harbour, kita dapat melihat pelabuhan itu dgn jelas; 2. not decayed, broken, damaged, etc, baik, elok, bagus; (of teeth) sihat, kuat: is the meat still ~?, daging ini masih elok?; ~ eyesight, penglihatan yg baik; 3. virtuous, morally admirable, baik: a ~, pious woman, perempuan yg baik dan alim; do a ~ deed, berbuat /amal, baik/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
er | interj a:at the junction you turn – ~, left, I think, di simpang itu, saudara belok – a, ke kiri rasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad | 13. foul, a. (of smell) busuk; b. (of breath) berbau (busuk); c. (of taste) tdk /sedap, enak/: the medicine has a ~ taste, ubat itu tdk sedap rasanya; 14. unwise, tdk bijak: a ~ decision, keputusan yg tdk bijak; that was a ~ move, itu langkah yg tdk bijak; 15. incorrect, faulty, salah: ~ spelling, ejaan yg salah; ~ grammar, nahu yg salah; 16. not sustainable, tdk dapat diterima, tdk kukuh: it’s ~ logic, hujah itu tdk dapat diterima; 17. debased, cacat: a ~ coin, (duit) syiling yg cacat; 18. unprofitable, merugikan, tdk menguntungkan: he considered it a ~ investment, dia menganggap pelaburan itu merugikan; a ~ bargain, belian yg merugikan; 19. inopportune, tdk /sesuai, wajar/: it was a ~ time to start a new business, waktunya tdk sesuai utk memulakan usaha perniagaan yg baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foul | adj 1. filthy, kotor: a bundle of ~ rags, seikat kain buruk yg kotor; the store was ~, bilik stor itu kotor; 2. stinking, (berbau) busuk: a ~ -smelling drain, longkang yg berbau busuk; his breath was ~, nafasnya busuk; 3. (in taste) dahsyat (rasanya): this medicine tastes ~, ubat ini rasanya dahsyat; 4. wicked, evil, kejam: a ~ crime, jenayah kejam; a ~ murder, pembunuhan kejam; 5. obscene, cabul: his language was ~, bahasanya cabul; she has a ~ mind, fikirannya cabul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | 9. (of air) pure, untainted, segar, bersih: after the rain, the air in the garden was cool and ~, selepas hujan, udara di taman itu bersih; in the ~ air, di luar: food tastes better in the ~ air, makanan lebih sedap rasanya dimakan di luar; 10. not tired or faded, refreshed, segar: he felt quite ~ after the exercise, dia berasa cukup segar selepas bersenam; the grass looked ~ after the rain, rumput kelihatan segar selepas hujan; the memory of the celebrations were still ~ in my mind, kenangan semasa perayaan itu masih segar dlm ingatan; 11. (of colour) segar; 12. (of complexion) healthy, youthful, segar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idea | cannot bear the ~ of st, tdk tahan memikirkan sst; /get, have/ ~s, (colloq) be ambitious, bercita-cita /besar, tinggi/; give so. an ~, tell so. approximately, membayangkan pd sso: can you give me an ~ of when you will be finished? bolehkah kamu membayangkan pd saya bila kamu akan selesai membuatnya; have an ~, have an inkling, rasa-rasa(nya): I have an ~ it’s going to rain, rasa-rasanya hari hendak hujan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicate | 3. easily broken, getas, mudah pecah: ~ crystal glasses, gelas kristal yg mudah pecah; 4. easily injured, bruised, torn, etc, mudah rosak: ~ plants, tumbuhan mudah rosak; the wings of butterflies are ~, sayap kupu-kupu mudah rosak; 5. (of colour, tone) lembut: a ~ shade of blue, warna biru lembut; 6. (of flavour, taste) manis: fresh meat has a more ~ flavour, daging segar lebih manis rasanya; 7. (of food) not trongly flavoured, tdk terlalu perisa: an invalid needs ~ food, orang yg sakit memerlukan makanan yg tdk terlalu perisa; ~ dishes, hidangan yg tdk terlalu perisa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ghastly | adj 1. horrifying, dahsyat: a ~ crime, jenayah yg dahsyat; a ~ wound, luka yg dahsyat; 2. deathly pale, pucat-lesi, pucat-pasi: she looked ~, dia kelihatan pucat-lesi; 3. (colloq) very bad, shocking, unpleasant, teruk (betul): it was a ~ dinner, jamuan makan malam itu teruk betul; someone has made a ~ mistake, ada orang telah membuat kesilapan yg teruk; 4. (colloq) quite ill, teruk: I haven’t slept for two days and I feel ~, sudah dua hari saya tak tidur dan teruk betul rasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bite | 5. piece, amount bitten off, gigit: two ~s of the apple, dua gigit epal; 6. incisiveness, menusuk hati: a remark with a ~, kata-kata yg menusuk hati; 7. stinging or nipping effect, a. (of wind etc), /menusuk, menggigit/ ke tulang: the ~ of the cold wind, angin yg dingin menusuk ke tulang; b. (of food, drink), [various translations]; (of strong liquor) rasa pedar arak keras: I like a sauce with more ~ in it, saya suka akan sos yg lebih keras rasanya; 8. grip, cengkaman: a screw with plenty of ~, skru yg kuat cengkamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |