beauty queen | n ratu cantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
golden | ~ /boy, girl/, (in sports), /raja, ratu/ sst: the ~ boys of Malaysian badminton, raja-raja badminton Malaysia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contest | n 1. competition, pertandingan, peraduan: a beauty ~, peraduan ratu cantik; an oratorical ~, peraduan syarahan; 2. struggle (for power, etc) persaingan; (in an election) pertandingan: there followed a long drawn-out ~ for control of the company, berikutan itu berlaku persaingan yg berlarutan utk merebut kuasa di syarikat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enthrone | vt (fml), (usu pass.) place on throne, ditabalkan, dinobatkan: the Queen was ~d in Westminster Abbey, Ratu itu ditabalkan di Westminster Abbey. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
HM | abbrev /His, Her/ Majesty, DYMM Baginda; (ref to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong) DYMM Seri paduka Baginda; (ref to the Sultan of Brunei) DYMM Paduka Seri; (ref to a female sovereign) DYMM Baginda Ratu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crown | vt 1. place crown on head of, (so as to invest with royal power, title) memahkotai [sso] sbg: they ~ed him King, mereka memahkotai baginda sbg Raja; she was ~ed Miss World, dia dimahkotai sbg Ratu Cantik Dunia; 2. top, cap, terdapat; (so as to cover) meliputi: the church spire was ~ed with a cross, terdapat palang di puncak menara gereja; a mountain ~ed with snow, puncak gunung diliputi salji; 3. bring to a happy conclusion, merupakan kemuncak: success ~ed his efforts, kejayaan merupakan kemuncak usahanya; a visit to the circus ~ed the children’s holiday, lawatan ke sarkas merupakan kemuncak percutian kanak-kanak itu; 4. put artificial crown on, menyalut: to ~ a tooth, menyalut gigi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beauty | n 1. combination of qualities etc that delights the senses or the intellect, a. (of human face or form) kejelitaan, kecantikan, kerupawanan, lawa: a woman renowned for her ~, wanita yg terkenal krn kejelitaannya; ~ contest, /peraduan, pertandingan/ ratu cantik; b. (of thing) keindahan: because of its ~ the Taj Mahal is India’s greatest tourist attraction, disebabkan keindahannya, Taj Mahal menjadi daya penarik yg terbesar di India bagi para pelancong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grace | vt (fml) 1. decorate, ornament, menghiasi, menyerikan: a bowl of freshly-cut roses ~d the dining-room, semangkuk bunga mawar yg baru dipetik menghiasi bilik makan itu; 2. endow with honour or dignity, menyerikan: the Queen ~d the banquet with her presence, kehadiran Baginda Ratu menyerikan bankuet itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | d. mount, naik: he got up behind the rider, dia naik di belakang penunggang itu; e. (of wind, storm) increase in force, /bertambah, makin/ /kencang, kuat/; (of sea) makin /bergelora, bergelombang/; ~ os up, (colloq) menghias diri(nya): she is busy ~ting herself up for the beauty contest, dia sibuk menghias dirinya utk peraduan ratu cantik itu; ~ so. up, cause so. to rise from bed, /menggerakkan, membangunkan, membangkitkan, mengejutkan/ sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrant | n 1. person who enters a profession or exam, (orang yg) masuk: he is one of the most recent ~s to the legal profession, dia antara orang yg paling baru masuk profesion perundangan; 2. person who enters a competition, contest, peserta: there are fifteen ~s for the beauty contest, ada lima belas peserta utk pertandingan ratu cantik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |