hundred | <i>adji> & <i>ni> 1. <i>ten times ten,i> ratus: <i>one ~ and eight,i> seratus lapan; <i>two ~ kilometres,i> dua ratus kilometer; 2. <i>the age of 100,i> seratus tahun: <i>she lived to be a ~,i> dia hidup sehingga seratus tahun; 3. (<i>in pli>) <i>large number (of)i> beratus-ratus, ratusan: <i>~s of people came to the funeral,i> beratus-ratus orang menghadiri pengebumian itu; by the ~s, beratus-ratus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hundredweight | <i>ni> ratus berat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
army-worm | <i>n i> ulat /ratus, cawai/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
converge | ~ on, bertumpu ke: <i>hundreds of people were converging on the sports ground,i> beratus-ratus orang sedang bertumpu ke padang sukan; <i>all railway lines ~ on the city,i> semua jalan kereta api bertumpu ke bandar raya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | <i>vii> 1. <i>throng,i> berkerumun: <i>hundreds of people ~ed to meet him,i> beratus-ratus orang berkerumun utk bertemu dengannya; 2. <i>push forward in a mass,i> berpusu-pusu, berasak-asak: <i>people were ~ing to board the bus,i> orang ramai berasak-asak utk menaiki bas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illuminate | <i>vti> 1. <i>light up,i> a. menerangi: <i>hundreds of candles ~d the room,i> beratus-ratus lilin menerangi bilik itu; b. (<i>fig.i>) menyerikan: <i>a smile that ~d his whole face,i> senyuman yg menyerikan mukanya; 2. <i>decorate with lights,i> menghias dgn lampu: <i>the streets were ~d to celebrate the royal wedding,i> jalan-jalan dihias dgn lampu utk meraikan perkahwinan diraja; 3. <i>make clear,i> (<i>act.i>) menjadikan [<i>ni>] jelas; (<i>pass.i>) jelas: <i>the lecture ~d several obscure points,i> ceramah itu menjadikan beberapa perkara yg kabur jelas; 4. <i>decoratei> (<i>manuscripti>) <i>with gold, silver, coloured designs, etc,i> menghias [manuskrip] dgn bahan warna-warni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exaggerate | vi membesar-besarkan cerita: <i>he was exaggerating when he said that several hundred people attended the party,i> dia membesar-besarkan cerita apabila dia berkata bahawa beratus-ratus orang menghadiri majlis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freeze | ~ up, (<i>of body of wateri>) membeku, menjadi /beku, ais/: <i>two hundred years ago, the winters were so cold that even the Thames froze up,i> dua ratus tahun yg lalu, musim-musim dingin terlalu sejuk sehinggakan Sungai Thames pun menjadi ais; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | b. (<i>horizontal distancei>), [<i>not translatedi>], sejauh; (<i>when distance is specifiedi>) sejauh: <i>the plain stretched ~ hundreds of miles,i> dataran itu terbentang beratus-ratus batu; <i>the river runs ~ twenty miles before it reaches the sea,i> sungai itu mengalir sejauh dua puluh batu sebelum bertemu dgn laut; c. (<i>vertical distancei>) setinggi, tingginya: <i>the white cliffs rise steeply out of the sea ~ at least 100 metres,i> cenuram putih itu menegak sekurang-kurangnya setinggi 100 meter; 6. <i>in support, favour of,i> menyokong: <i>he was neither ~ nor against the proposal,i> dia tdk menyokong dan juga tdk menentang cadangan itu; three cheers ~ so., tiga sorakan untuk sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guillotine | <i>vt beheadi> (<i>criminali>) <i>by using a guillotinei>, memancung di gilotin: <i>the revolutionaries ~d hundreds of aristiocrats during the French Revolutioni>, revolusioner-revolusioner itu memancung beratus-ratus orang bangsawan di gilotin semasa Revolusi Perancis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |