down-to-earth | adj bersifat realistik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
essential | adj 1. (extremely important) penting; (very necessary), (sangat) perlu: it is ~ that the targets we set are realistic, adalah penting bahawa matlamat yg kita tetapkan realistik; oxygen is ~ to human life, oksigen adalah perlu utk kehidupan manusia; experience is ~ for this position, pengalaman adalah perlu utk jawatan ini; 2. basic, fundamental, asas, pokok: an ~ feature of the literary works of that period, ciri asas karya-karya sastera zaman itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earth | bring so. back to ~, (act.) menyedarkan sso drpd /lamunannya, khayalannya/, menyebabkan sso /tersedar, tersentak/ drpd lamunannya; (pass.) sso /tersentak, tersedar/ drpd /lamunannya, khayalannya/; come /back, down/ to ~, kembali ke alam nyata; down to ~, (bersifat) realistik; go to ~, menyembunyikan diri, bersembunyi: he went to ~ after the abortive coup, dia menyembunyikan diri selepas perampasan kuasa yg gagal itu; un to ~, a. (animal) /mengejar, memburu/ [n] hingga ke lubangnya; b. (person) /menemui, mendapati/ [n] selepas mencari-cari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolation | in ~, a. in solitariness, terasing, terpencil: he lived in ~ in the country, dia hidup terpencil di desa; b. detached, separate from others, terasing; c. independently, sendirian: it would be unrealistic to think that we can act in ~ without regard to other members of the community, tdk realistik memikirkan bahawa kita dapat bertindak sendirian tanpa menimbangkan anggota masyarakat yg lain; d. without regard to similar matters, relationships, etc, secara berasingan: we cannot possibly deal with the matter in ~ as there are external factors which should be taken into account, tdk mungkin kita mengendalikan perkara itu secara berasingan krn terdapat faktor-faktor luaran yg mesti diambil kira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |