junior | adj 1. younger, (lebih) muda; 2. for young people, utk remaja: ~ dress sizes, saiz baju utk remaja; 3. subordinate to another in point of time of service, baru; (when making comparison) lebih baru: a ~ senator, senator baru; he was angry when they offered the job to a ~ man, dia marah apabila mereka menawarkan jawatan itu kpd orang yg lebih baru; 4. lower in rank, rendah; (ref to a member of staff) berpangkat rendah; (of a minister) muda: a ~ officer, pegawai rendah; he joined the firm as a ~ partner, dia mula bekerja di firma itu sbg rakan kongsi rendah; the ~ members of the school staff held a friendly football match, guru-guru sekolah itu yg berpangkat rendah mengadakan perlawanan bola sepak persahabatan; a ~ minister in the Cabinet, menteri muda dlm Kabinet; 5. (UK) rel to | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adolescent | adj remaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adolescent | n anak remaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ before reaching adolescence, sebelum mencapai peringkat umur remaja; the parcel ~ arrived before Saint Valentine’s Day, bungkusan itu sampai menjelang Hari Valentine; ~ as, a. at exactly the same time as, sebaik saja: the door bell rang ~ as we were about to go to bed, loceng pintu berbunyi sebaik saja kami hendak masuk tidur; b. exactly as, seperti (mana): they left everything ~ as they found it, mereka membiarkan barang-barang itu seperti yg dijumpai oleh mereka; ~ as...as, seperti, [sometimes se + approp adj]: he’s ~ as good-looking as I imagined him to be, dia tampan seperti or setampan yg saya bayangkan; ~ a /minute, moment, second/, a. (said when asking so. to wait a short while), (tuan, encik, dll boleh) tunggu /sebentar, sekejap/: “what room is Mr Jumaat in?” “J ~ a minute, please...er...room 208, sir”, “berapakah nombor bilik Encik Jumaat?” “Encik boleh tunggu sebentar...er...bilik 208, encik”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adolescence | n 1. (period ) masa remaja; 2. (state, condition) keremajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
babyhood | n /masa, zaman/ bayi: from ~ to adolescence, dr masa bayi hingga remaja; during ~, semasa sso masih bayi (lagi); since so’s ~, sejak sso bayi (lagi). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gang | vi; ~ up, (derog) membentuk geng: a group of youths who ~ up for devious purposes, sekumpulan remaja yg membentuk gang utk tujuan-tujuan yg tdk baik; ~ up /on, against/, (colloq) berpakat menentang: they ~ed up on the helpless boy, mereka berpakat menentang budak yg tdk berdaya itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heyday | n /masa, zaman/ /gemilang, kegemilangan/: Malacca in its ~, Melaka dlm zaman kegemilangannya; in the ~ of youth, semasa muda remaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrupt | 1. cause to become depraved, merosakkan: unsound moral values have ~ed our youth, nilai-nilai akhlak yg kurang baik telah merosakkan golongan remaja kita; 2. bribe, memberi rasuah kpd, menyogok, menyuap: to ~ the voters, menyogok para pengundi; 3. adulterate, mencemarkan: the language has been ~ed by the introduction of foreign words, bahasa itu telah dicemarkan oleh kemasukan perkataan-perkataan asing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
large | 3. wide in range, scope, etc, luas: the newspaper has a ~ circulation, akhbar itu mempunyai edaran yg luas; teenagers nowadays are given a ~ degree of freedom, golongan remaja masa kini diberi kebebasan yg luas; a ~ variety of, pelbagai: we discussed a ~ variety of topics, kami membincangkan pelbagai topik; 4. important, serious, besar: he takes a ~ part in the running of the business, dia memainkan peranan yg besar dlm menguruskan perniagaan itu; Guthrie is one of our ~st cliens, Guthrie merupakan satu antara klien terbesar kami; that is a ~ question and difficult to answer, itu soalan yg besar dan sukar dijawab; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |