inferior | 2. second-rate, mediocre, kurang + approp adj or v; (of work, product, etc) bermutu rendah, /rendah, kurang baik/ mutunya; (of workmanship) kurang baik, bermutu rendah: we were served an ~ dinner, kami dihidangkan makanan malam yg kurang memuaskan; an ~ sculptor, pengukir yg kurang mahir; they manufacture ~ products, keluaran mereka bermutu rendah; the workmanship is ~, buatannya kurang baik; ~ goods, barang bawahan; 3. (of quality) rendah; 4. (tech) having lower position, bawahan: ~ court, mahkamah bawahan; 5. (astron) inferior: ~ planets, planet inferior; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
caste | n kasta; ~ mark, tanda kasta; be of /low, high/ ~, berkasta /rendah, tinggi/, /rendah, tinggi/ kastanya; lose ~, darjat [sso] jatuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
junior | schoolchildren whose ages range between 7 and 11, sekolah rendah; (ref to school, class) rendah: all the ~ boys were allowed to go home early, semua murid sekolah rendah dibenarkan pulang awal; the ~ netball competition, pertandingan bola jaring sekolah rendah; he is in the ~ school, dia murid sekolah rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inferior | adj 1. low in status, rank, position, etc, rendah: a man of ~ birth, lelaki yg berkedudukan rendah; he holds an ~ position in the firm, kedudukannya di syarikat itu rendah; make so. feel ~, membuat sso berasa rendah diri: she is so well read, she makes me feel ~, pengetahuannya begitu luas, dan ini membuat saya berasa rendah diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humility | n rendah hati: with all ~, dgn segala rendah hati; a man of ~, seorang yg rendah hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inferior | n subordinate, lebih rendah (+ approp n); (in rank) orang bawahan: intellectual ~s, orang-orang yg lebih rendah keintelektualannya; she considers them her ~s, dia menganggap mereka sbg orang yg lebih rendah kedudukannya; he is always polite to his ~s, dia selalu berlaku sopan thdp orang bawahannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hilarious | adj 1. boisterously merry, riuh-rendah: the party got more ~ after midnight, majlis itu bertambah riuh-rendah selepas tengah malam; ~ laughter, gelak ketawa yg riuh-rendah; 2. very funny, amusing, sangat /menggelikan hati, lucu/: a ~ comedy, komedi yg sangat menggelikan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedlam | n 1. wild, noisy place, (tempat yg) /riuh-rendah, dlm keadaan hiruk-pikuk/: the house is a regular ~, rumah itu sentiasa riuh-rendah; 2. scene, situation of uproar, (keadaan yg) /riuh-rendah, hiruk-pikuk/: there was ~ in the house when we arrived, rumah itu sewaktu kami sampai riuh-rendah; 3. (old use) lunatic asylum, /hospital, rumah sakit/ gila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humble | adj 1. having, showing a modest opinion of os, rendah /hati, diri/, suka merendahkan diri: he remained ~ in spite of his success, dia tetap rendah hati walaupun sudah berjaya; 2. lowly, poor, hina, daif: I’m just a ~ fisherman, saya hanyalah nelayan yg hina; no task was too ~ for him, tdk ada pekerjaan yg terlalu hina baginya; of ~ /birth, origin, stock/, berketurunan rendah; 3. unpretentious, sederhana: ~ fare, makanan yg sederhana; my ~ home, rumah saya yg sederhana; 4. (indic an unassuming attitude, state of mind) dgn rendah hati: my ~ apologies, dgn rendah hati saya meminta maaf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carouse | vi minum-minum dgn riuh-rendah: they ~d all night, mereka minum-minum dgn riuh-rendah sepanjang malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |