inferior | <i>adji> 1. <i>low in status, rank, position, etc,i> rendah: <i>a man of ~ birth,i> lelaki yg berkedudukan rendah; <i>he holds an ~ position in the firm,i> kedudukannya di syarikat itu rendah; make so. feel ~, membuat sso berasa rendah diri: <i>she is so well read, she makes me feel ~,i> pengetahuannya begitu luas, dan ini membuat saya berasa rendah diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedlam | <i>ni> 1. <i>wild, noisy place,i> (tempat yg) /riuh-rendah, dlm keadaan hiruk-pikuk/: <i>the house is a regular ~,i> rumah itu sentiasa riuh-rendah; 2. <i>scene, situation of uproar,i> (keadaan yg) /riuh-rendah, hiruk-pikuk/: <i>there was ~ in the house when we arrived,i> rumah itu sewaktu kami sampai riuh-rendah; 3. <i>(old use) lunatic asylum,i> /hospital, rumah sakit/ gila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humble | <i>adji> 1. <i>having, showing a modest opinion of os,i> rendah /hati, diri/, suka merendahkan diri: <i>he remained ~ in spite of his success,i> dia tetap rendah hati walaupun sudah berjaya; 2. <i>lowly, poor,i> hina, daif: <i>I’m just a ~ fisherman,i> saya hanyalah nelayan yg hina; <i>no task was too ~ for him,i> tdk ada pekerjaan yg terlalu hina baginya; of ~ /birth, origin, stock/, berketurunan rendah; 3. <i>unpretentious,i> sederhana: <i>~ fare,i> makanan yg sederhana; <i>my ~ home,i> rumah saya yg sederhana; 4. (<i>indic an unassuming attitude, state of mindi>) dgn rendah hati: <i>my ~ apologies,i> dgn rendah hati saya meminta maaf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hilarious | <i>adji> 1. <i>boisterously merry,i> riuh-rendah: <i>the party got more ~ after midnight,i> majlis itu bertambah riuh-rendah selepas tengah malam; <i>~ laughter,i> gelak ketawa yg riuh-rendah; 2. <i>very funny, amusing,i> sangat /menggelikan hati, lucu/: <i>a ~ comedy,i> komedi yg sangat menggelikan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hilariously | <i>advi> 1. <i>boisterously,i> (dgn) riuh-rendah: <i>they laughed ~,i> mereka ketawa riuh-rendah; 2. <i>very,i> sangat: <i>~ funny,i> sangat menggelikan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
junior | <i>ni> 1. <i>so. who is younger,i> (orang yg) lebih muda drpd: <i>she is three years my ~,i> dia tiga tahun lebih muda drpd saya; 2. <i>so. who is subordinate in rank,i> (orang yg) pangkatnya lebih rendah [drpd pangkat sso]; 3. <i>person of low rank, approp ni> + rendah: <i>he was interviewed by one of the ~s,i> dia ditemu duga oleh salah seorang pegawai rendah; 4. (UK) <i>schoolchild between the ages of 7 and 11,i> murid sekolah rendah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
junior | <i>adji> 1. <i>younger,i> (lebih) muda; 2. <i>for young people,i> utk remaja: <i>~ dress sizes,i> saiz baju utk remaja; 3. <i>subordinate to another in point of time of service,i> baru; (<i>when making comparisoni>) lebih baru: <i>a ~ senator,i> senator baru; <i>he was angry when they offered the job to a ~ man,i> dia marah apabila mereka menawarkan jawatan itu kpd orang yg lebih baru; 4. <i>lower in rank,i> rendah; (<i>ref to a member of staffi>) berpangkat rendah; (<i>of a ministeri>) muda: <i>a ~ officer,i> pegawai rendah; <i>he joined the firm as a ~ partneri>, dia mula bekerja di firma itu sbg rakan kongsi rendah; <i>the ~ members of the school staff held a friendly football match,i> guru-guru sekolah itu yg berpangkat rendah mengadakan perlawanan bola sepak persahabatan; <i>a ~ minister in the Cabinet,i> menteri muda dlm Kabinet; 5. (UK) <i>rel toi> | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hullabaloo | <i>ni> 1. <i>disturbance, uproar,i> kehebohan: <i>the news caused a ~,i> berita itu menimbulkan kehebohan; 2. <i>confused noise,i> bunyi bising,iuh rendah: <i>there was a lot of shouting and ~ at the harbour,i> jerit pekik dan riuh rendah di pelabuhan; make a ~ about st, membuat /heboh, bising/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boisterous | <i>adji> 1. <i>(of wave, sea, etc)i> bergelora: <i>a ~ sea,i> laut yg bergelora; 2. <i>(of behaviour, speech, person)i> a. <i>noisy,i> riuh-rendah: <i>he was given a ~ welcome,i> dia disambut dgn riuh-rendah; b. <i>rough,i> kasar; c. <i>exuberant,i> riang, gembira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beneath | <i>prepi> 1. <i>underneath,i> di bawah: <i>~ the layer of snow,i> di bawah lapisan salji; 2. <i>unworthy of,i> tdk layak bagi, tdk selayaknya dgn, tdk wajar bagi: <i>such dishonest behaviour would be ~ him,i> kelakuan yg tdk jujur spt itu tdk layak baginya; 3. <i>too lowly for,i> terlalu rendah bagi: <i>he felt that the job was ~ him,i> dia berasa bahawa pekerjaan itu terlalu rendah baginya; 4. <i>lower than in rank etc,i> di bawah, lebih rendah drpd: <i>a captain is ~ a major,i> pangkat kapten di bawah pangkat mejar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |