inferiority complex | n kompleks rendah diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inferiority | n kekurangan: the army’s numerical ~, kekurangan bilangan anggota tentera; feeling of ~, rasa rendah diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inferior | adj 1. low in status, rank, position, etc, rendah: a man of ~ birth, lelaki yg berkedudukan rendah; he holds an ~ position in the firm, kedudukannya di syarikat itu rendah; make so. feel ~, membuat sso berasa rendah diri: she is so well read, she makes me feel ~, pengetahuannya begitu luas, dan ini membuat saya berasa rendah diri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complex | n 1. group of things, buildings, etc that are intricately connected, kompleks: a sports ~, kompleks sukan; 2. (chem) kompleks; 3. (psychol) kompleks: inferiority ~, kompleks rendah diri; 4. (colloq) obsessive concern, takut sangat: he’s got a ~ about his weight; dia takut sangat kalau gemuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
humble | adj 1. having, showing a modest opinion of os, rendah /hati, diri/, suka merendahkan diri: he remained ~ in spite of his success, dia tetap rendah hati walaupun sudah berjaya; 2. lowly, poor, hina, daif: I’m just a ~ fisherman, saya hanyalah nelayan yg hina; no task was too ~ for him, tdk ada pekerjaan yg terlalu hina baginya; of ~ /birth, origin, stock/, berketurunan rendah; 3. unpretentious, sederhana: ~ fare, makanan yg sederhana; my ~ home, rumah saya yg sederhana; 4. (indic an unassuming attitude, state of mind) dgn rendah hati: my ~ apologies, dgn rendah hati saya meminta maaf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | n (often in pl) 1. either of two limits that is as far apart or different from each other, (approp n) yg bertentangan; (of temperature) tinggi rendah [suhu] yg melampau: Members of Parliament who represent political ~s, Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yg mewakili faham politik yg bertentangan; the ~s of joy and sadness, kebahagian dan kesedihan yg bertentangan; he found it difficult to get used to the ~s of temperature, dia mendapati sukar utk membiasakan diri dgn tinggi rendah suhu yg melampau; 2. greatest degree, [sst] yg /keterlaluan, melampau/: the ~s of fashion, fesyen yg keterlaluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | n 1. unit of measurement, darjah: ~ of longitude, darjah longitud; 30 ~s Fahrenheit, 30 darjah Fahrenheit; an angle of 90 ~s,sudut 90 darjah; 2. stage in scale of intensity, tingkat, tahap: varying ~s of skill, tingkat kemahiran yg berbeza-beza; a high ~ of intelligence,tingkat kecerdasan yg tinggi; 3. extent, /sejauh, setakat/ mana: the ~ of freedom which should be allowed, sejauh mana kebebasan patut dibenarkan; 4. measure, sedikit sebanyak, [or not translated]: we all need a ~ of self-discipline, kita semua memerlukan sedikit sebanyak disiplin diri; to have a considerable ~ of influence, mempunyai pengaruh yg besar; 5. social status, martabat, darjat, taraf: a man of low ~, lelaki yg rendah martabatnya; 6. academic title, ijazah: a master’s ~, ijazah sarjana; 7. (gram.) darjah: the superlative ~, darjah superlatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |