fidgety | adj resah, gelisah; become ~, /naik, menjadi/ /resah, gelisah/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | ~ and bothered, gelisah, resah: there’s no need to get all ~ and bothered over such a small matter, tdk perlu resah ttg perkara yg sebegitu kecil; ~ bath, mandi air panas; ~ favourite, pilihan ramai; be ~ on st, (colloq) a. be interested in st, minat sst: she’s ~ on rock music, dia minat muzik rock; b. be good at st, bagus dlm sst: she’s ~ on maths, dia bagus dlm matematik; ~ tip, panduan yg tepat; /be in, get into/ ~ water, (colloq) mendapat susah: you’ll get into ~water if you’re late again, kamu akan mendapat susah jika kamu datang lambat lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fidget | n 1. (often in pl) state of restlessness, keresahan, kegelisahan; be in a ~, have the ~s, resah, gelisah; get the ~s, menjadi /gelisah, resah/; give so. the ~s, /meresahkan, menggelisahkan/ sso; 2. person who fidgets, (orang yg) /resah, gelisah/: what a ~ you are!, resahnya kamu ini!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bundle | (be) a ~ of nerves, resah gelisah, kelesah; go a ~ on, (sl) suka: to go a ~ on horror movies, suka cerita-cerita seram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
edgy | adj nervous, gelisah, resah, kelesah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ant | n semut: ~s’ nest, sarang semut; white ~, anai-anai; have ~s in o’s pants, (sl) resah gelisah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flap | 3. (of aeroplane wing) kepak: the pilot lowered the ~s in preparation to land, juruterbang menurunkan kepak-kepak utk mula mendarat; 4. movement or sound of flapping, kibasan; (of wings) kibasan, kelepak; (repeated of sails) kelepak-kelepuk; be in a ~, gelabah, gelisah, resah; get into a ~, naik /gelabah, gelisah, resah/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agitated | adj 1. aroused, naik /rangsang, berangsang/: the crowd became ~ at the referee’s decision, para penonton naik berangsang dgn keputusan pengadil; 2. upset, a. (of person) terganggu fikiran, gelisah, resah; b. (of mind) terganggu, runsing; c. (of feelings) terganggu; d. (of voice) tdk tenang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flap | vi 1. flutter, berkibas-kibas; (of flag) berkibar-kibar, berkibaran: the flags ~ped in the wind, bendera itu berkibaran ditiup angin; 2. fly with flapping wings, terbang (dgn mengibas-ngibaskan sayap): we heard a hornbill ~ping through the forest, kami terdengar bunyi burung enggang terbang melalui hutan; 3. (colloq) become flustered, naik /gelabah, gelisah, resah/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
edge | give so. the ~ of o’s tongue, /meleteri, memarahi/ sso: his mother gave him the ~ of her tongue when he came home late, ibunya meleterinya apabila dia pulang lambat; have the ~ on so., (colloq) mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi (sso): the Malaysian team has the ~ on their opponents, pasukan Malaysia mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi lawannya; be on ~, gelisah, resah, kelesah: he is always on ~ when he is waiting for the results to be announced, dia selalu gelisah apabila menunggu keputusan diumumkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |