district | n 1. administrative division, daerah: the ~ of Batu Pahat, daerah Batu Pahat; ~ hospital, hospital daerah; 2. area, region, kawasan: electoral ~, kawasan pilihan raya; a mountainous ~, kawasan pergunungan; residential ~, kawasan kediaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
high-class | adj 1. superior, bertaraf tinggi, terkemuka: a ~ hotel, hotel bertaraf tinggi; 2. of high quality, bermutu tinggi, sangat baik: he did a ~ job, kerjanya bermutu tinggi; 3. of high social standing, kelas atasan: a ~ residential area, kawasan kediaman kelas atasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hall | 4. (in college and university) residence building, asrama, kolej kediaman: she lived in ~ last year but now she shares a flat with friends, dia tinggal di asrama tahun lepas tetapi sekarang dia berkongsi tempat tinggal di flat dgn kawan-kawan; 5. dining-hall at a residential college, dewan makan (asrama). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carry | s. (in the mouth) menggonggong: the cat carried its kittens in one by one, kucing itu menggonggong anaknya masuk ke dlm, seekor demi seekor; t. (with the fingers) menjinjit, menjinjing; 2. lift, mengangkat: the hoist carries building materials to the upper floors, takal itu mengangkat bahan-bahan binaan ke tingkat-tingkat atas; 3. convey, forward, menyampaikan: to ~ messages, menyampaikan pesan; to ~ complaints to the boss, menyampaikan aduan kpd ketua; 4. conduct, channel, mengalirkan, menyalurkan: a pipe carries the water from the dam to the residential area, sebatang paip mengalirkan air dr empangan ke kawasan perumahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
area | n 1. surface measure, luas(nya): the ~ of the room is 7 metres by 5 metres, luas bilik itu ialah 7 meter kali 5 meter; the ~ of a cone, luas kon; 2. section, part, bahagian: ~s of the brain, bahagian-bahagian otak; only certain ~s of the house are affected by dry rot, hanya pd bahagian-bahagian tertentu saja rumah itu terkena reput kering; 3. region, kawasan: a swampy ~, kawasan berpaya; the ~ around the city, kawasan di sekeliling bandar raya; ~ manager, pengurus kawasan; 4. ground set aside for specif purpose, tempat: parking ~, tempat letak kereta; picnic ~, tempat berkelah; 5. section of town, city having specif purpose, kawasan: residential ~, kawasan kediaman; commercial ~, kawasan perdagangan; shopping ~, kawasan beli-belah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |