retina | n retina. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impinge | vi; ~ on, ~ upon, (fml) a. strike, kena pd, mengenai: the rays of light that ~ upon the retina, pancaran cahaya yg kena pd retina; b. have an effect on, meninggalkan kesan pd, mempengaruhi: these new ideas ~ on the political consciousness of the students, idea-idea baru ini meninggalkan kesan pd kesedaran politik para pelajar; c. encroach on (rights, property, etc of another) mencerobohi: I would not want to ~ on his area of authority, saya tdk mahu mencerobohi bidang kuasanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
retinal | adj retina. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anomalous | adj 1. (gen) janggal: he was put in an ~ position by his son’s political affiliations,dia berada dlm kedudukan yg janggal disebabkan hubungan politik anak lelakinya; it seemed ~ that in a family where everyone else was short he should be so tall, nampaknya janggal dlm keluarga yg semuanya pendek, dia seorang sahaja yg tinggi; 2. (tech) beranomali: ~ absorption, penjerapan beranomali; ~ scattering, penyerakan beranomali; ~ (abnormal) retina correspondence, kesepadanan retina (abnormal) beranomali; ~ area, kawasan beranomali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cone | n 1. (geom ) kon, kerucut; 2. see ICE-CREAM CONE; 3. st shaped like a cone, kon, kerucut: the car knocked over several of the ~s before crashing into the steamroller, kereta itu menjatuhkan kerucut sebelum melanggar penggelek stim; 4. cone-shaped structure in retina, kon; 5. (bot) kon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |