exchange | ~ st for, menukarkan sst dgn: to ~ francs for ringgit, menukarkan franc dgn ringgit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incidentals | n approp n + sampingan: they took one hundred ringgit for ~, mereka mengambil seratus ringgit utk belanja sampingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
daylight robbery | n (colloq), (men)cekik darah: six ringgit for a cup of coffee is ~, enam ringgit utk secawan kopi mencekik darah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggregate | vi 1. collect together, berkumpul; 2. (colloq) amount to, berjumlah: profits that ~d 56 million ringgit, keuntungan yg berjumlah 56 juta ringgit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | ~ to, a. (in quantity, number, etc) approp v + /lebih kurang, kira-kira/: the cost of the building is expected to ~ to five million ringgit, harga bangunan itu dianggarkan berjumlah lebih kurang lima juta ringgit; b. (in quality, character, etc), [various translations]: his account of the accident ~s to those of the other witnesses, laporannya ttg kemalangan itu hampir sama dgn yg dibuat oleh saksi-saksi yg lain; a man approximating to that description was seen walking towards the village, seorang lelaki yg seakan-akan sama dgn yg digambarkan telah dilihat berjalan ke arah kampung itu; your latest design ~s to what I imagined the stage to be like, rekaan mutakhir kamu ini seakan-akan sama dgn pentas yg saya bayangkan; ~ st to, see vt (sense 2.). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | tiga ringgit sebuah; h. move to a place for the purpose of, pergi: to ~ for a walk, pergi berjalan-jalan; to ~ for a swim, pergi berenang; ~ for nothing, sia-sia saja: all his efforts went for nothing, segala usahanya sia-sia saja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | vi; usu ~ to, a. reach a total of, jumlah [sst], [sst] berjumlah: he wanted to know what his debts ~ed to, dia hendak mengetahui jumlah hutangnya; the bill ~ed to one hundred ringgit, bil itu berjumlah seratus ringgit; b. mean, dimaksudkan oleh, maksud, erti; (st) sama seperti, bererti: this is what his statement ~s to, inilah yg dimaksudkan oleh kenyataannya itu; what he did ~ed to embezzlement, yg dilakukannya itu sama seperti penggelapan wang; ~ to little, tdk banyak ertinya; ~ to nothing, tdk bererti: his arguments ~ to nothing, hujah-hujahnya tdk bererti; it ~s to the same thing, itu sama sahaja; will /not, never/ ~ to /much, anything/, tdk akan berjaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | b. (of money, food, supplies, etc), [various translations]: a ringgit doesn’t go ~ these days, sekarang ini, tdk banyak yg dapat dibeli dgn seringgit; two roast chicken won’t go ~ among thirty people, dua ekor ayam panggang tdk akan cukup utk oleh tiga puluh orang; go /as, so/ ~ as, go to particular limits, extent, [various translations]: I’d go as ~ as to say that..., saya sanggup mengatakan bahawa...; he was so afraid of having his reputation damaged that he went so ~ as to deny knowing them, dia begitu takut namanya tercemar sehingga sanggup mengatakan bahawa dia tdk kenal akan mereka; he need not have gone as ~ as that, dia tdk perlu berbuat sehingga begitu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cheap | adj 1. inexpensive, murah: the pens are ~ at a ringgit a piece, pen-pen itu murah dgn harga seringgit satu; ~ toys, barang-barang mainan yg murah; on the ~, dgn harga yg murah; 2. charging low rates, murah: a ~ restaurant, restoran murah; ~ sale, jualan murah; 3. needing little effort, mudah: a ~ victory, kemenangan yg mudah; 4. of little value, murah: ~ flattery, pujian yg murah; 5. not worthy of respect, murah: she made herself ~ by such behaviour, dia menjadikan dirinya murah dgn berkelakuan begitu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filch | vt (colloq) mengebas, mengapur: he ~ed ten dollars from his mother’s purse, dia mengebas sepuluh ringgit dr beg duit ibunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |