bring | c. cause st to fall, collapse, (tree) menumbangkan, menyebabkan [sst] tumbang; (house) merobohkan, meruntuhkan, menyebabkan [sst] /roboh, runtuh/, [with non-human agent, tumbang, roboh, runtuh are preferred]: the earthquake brought down many houses, banyak rumah yg roboh akibat gempa bumi; d. cause the fall of st, /meruntuhkan, menjatuhkan/ sst, [with non-human agent, runtuh, jatuh are preferred]: the scandal brought down the government, kerajaan runtuh akibat skandal itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cave | vi; ~ in, a. collapse, roboh, runtuh: the roof of the old mine shaft ~d in, bumbung lombong lama itu roboh; b. surrender, menyerah: the besieged troops finally ~d in, askar-askar yg terkepung itu akhirnya menyerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ in, a. collapse, runtuh, roboh: the roof fell in, bumbung itu runtuh; b. sink in, cengkung: his cheeks have ~en in, pipinya cengkung; c. (of debt etc) sampai tempohnya; ~ in with, a. meet by chance, bertembung: we fell in with some students on the way, kami bertembung dgn beberapa penuntut dlm perjalanan; b. comply with, bersetuju dgn: he fell in with her suggestion, dia bersetuju dgn syornya; c. be in accord with, bersesuaian dgn: their ideas exactly fell in with ours, idea-idea mereka benar-benar bersesuaian dgn idea-idea kami; ~ in love, jatuh cinta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | f. (of ceiling, wall, etc) collapse, roboh; g. be reduced, lessen, jatuh, turun; (of weight) turun: the price of gold came down suddenly, harga emas jatuh dgn tiba-tiba; h. land, mendarat: the plane came down safely, kapal terbang itu selamat mendarat; i. be destroyed, dimusnahkan: to implement our plan, the pre-war buildings must ~ down, utk melaksanakan rancangan kami, bangunan-bangunan sebelum perang itu mesti dimusnahkan; ~ down in the world, martabat sso jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cave | vt; ~ st in, /merobohkan, meruntuhkan/ sst, menyebabkan sst /roboh, runtuh/: the floodwaters ~d in the retaining wall, air bah merobohkan tembok penahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collapse | vi 1. fall down or in, runtuh, roboh: the buildings ~d during the earthquake, bangunan-bangunan itu runtuh semasa gempa bumi; 2. fall or fail suddenly, a. (of price, market, business enterprise, etc) jatuh: the price of wool ~d during the, Depression, harga bulu biri-biri jatuh semasa Zaman Kemelesetan; b. (of project, plan, peace talk, etc) gagal: the project ~d because of financial difficulties, projek itu gagal oleh sebab kesulitan kewangan; c. (of argument, story, opposition, etc) terhapus: with the presentation of new evidence, the arguments he had put forward ~d; dgn bukti-bukti yg dikemukakan itu, hujah-hujah yg diutarakannya terhapus; d. (of marriage) runtuh, musnah, hancur; e. (of hopes) hancur, musnah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collapse | n 1. falling down or in (of structure) keruntuhan, robohnya, runtuh, roboh; 2. sudden fall or failure, a. (of price, market, business enterprise, etc) kejatuhan, jatuh: the ~ of the franc, kejatuhan franc; the ~ of the share market in 1939, kejatuhan pasaran saham pd tahun 1939; a country whose economy is on the verge of ~, sebuah negara yg hampir mengalami kejatuhan ekonomi; b. (of project, plan, peace talk, etc) kegagalan; (of hopes) musnah, hancur; 3. breakdown, keruntuhan: a nervous ~, keruntuhan saraf; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demolition | n act of tearing down, perobohan, kerja /merobohkan, meruntuhkan/: the ~ of the building took a week, kerja merobohkan bangunan itu mengambil masa seminggu; ~ contract, kontrak meroboh; ~ order, arahan roboh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. to, menyedarkan sso: he has fainted, try to ~ him to, dia pengsan, cubalah sedarkan dia; ~ so. to his knees, menyebabkan sso jatuh melutut: the blow brought the poor boy to his knees, pukulan itu menyebabkan budak tersebut jatuh melutut; ~ st to /a close, an end/, /mengakhiri, menamatkan/ sst; ~ st crashing to the ground, menyebabkan sst /runtuh, roboh/; (tree etc) menyebabkan sst tumbang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 3. drop in pitch, menurun: her voice rose and fell, suaranya menaik dan menurun; 4. abate, subside, reda: the wind fell, angin telah reda; the flames rose and fell, api itu menjulang dan reda; 5. become lowered, memandang ke bawah: his eyes fell, matanya memandang ke bawah; 6. collapse esp in fragments, runtuh, roboh; 7. hang down, a. (of skirt etc) tergantung: his cloak ~s from the shoulder, jubahnya tergantung dr bahunya; b. (of hair) terjurai, mengurai: her hair ~s loosely, rambutnya terjurai lepas; 8. be killed, gugur, terkorban: those who fell in the war, mereka yg gugur di medan perang; 9. slope downwards, melandai: the land ~s towards the sea, tanah itu melandai ke arah laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |