home | 4. place where st originates, tempat bermulanya: Scotland is the ~ of golf, Scotland ialah tempat bermulanya permainan golf; 5. institution for the old, orphans, etc, rumah: old folks’ ~, rumah orang-orang tua; an orphans’ ~, rumah anak-anak yatim; 6. natural environment, tempat tinggal semula jadi: the Arctic is the ~ of the polar bear, kawasan Artik ialah tempat tinggal semula jadi beruang kutub; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
institutionalize | vt 1. place in institution, memasukkan [sso] + approp n: his wife used all her powers of persuasion but he still would not agree to ~ his mother, isterinya menggunakan segala daya memujuk tetapi dia masih tdk bersetuju utk memasukkan ibunya ke rumah orang-orang tua; 2. make into an institution, menginstitusikan: to ~ corrupt practices, menginstitusikan amalan-amalan rasuah; 3. (usu pass.) accustom (so.) to institutional care, supervised routine, etc, (menjadi) biasa dgn kehidupan di + approp n: having spent twenty years of his life behind bars, he is so ~d that it would take some time for him to adapt to life outside, setelah menghabiskan hidupnya selama dua puluh tahun dlm penjara, dia begitu biasa dgn kehidupan di situ hingga memerlukan masa yg agak lama utk menyesuaikan diri dgn kehidupan di luar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
institution | n 1. (building occupied by) important organization established for particular purpose, institusi: ~s of higher learning, institusi pengajian tinggi; a charitable ~, institusi kebajikan; 2. home run by official organization, a. (for children) rumah anak-anak yatim; b. (for old people) rumah orang-orang tua; (run by the Malaysian government) rumah sri kenangan: she became angry when her husband suggested that they should put her mother into an ~, dia marah apabila suaminya mencadangkan supaya ibunya dimasukkan ke rumah orang-orang tua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aged | adj 1. old, tua: an ~ man, seorang lelaki tua; the ~, orang-orang tua: a home for the ~, rumah utk orang-orang tua; 2. of, characteristic of old age, tanda tua: ~ wrinkles, kedut-kedut tanda tua; 3. of the age of, berumur, berusia: a boy ~ twelve, budak lelaki yg berumur dua belas tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
council | n 1. (UK) local authority, (of a town) majlis perbandaran; (of borough, county, district) majlis daerah; (with modifier) majlis: the ~ threatened to pull down the squatter huts that had sprouted out on the outskirts of the city, majlis perbandaran mengugut akan merobohkan rumah-rumah setinggan yg tumbuh bagai cendawan di pinggir bandar; are you still on the ~, adakah kamu masih menjadi ahli Majlis Perbandaran; ~ flat, rumah pangsa majlis perbandaran; town ~, majlis perbandaran; local ~, majlis tempatan; city ~, dewan bandar raya; 2. group of people elected or appointed to make decisions, rules, etc, majlis: the UN Security C~, Majlis Keselamatan PBB; student ~, majlis pelajar: a ~ of elders, majlis orang tua-tua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |