intricate | adj 1. difficult to understand, resolve, rumit: the ~ details of the report, butir-butir yg rumit dlm laporan itu; the ~ processes of government, proses-proses pentadbiran yg rumit; ~ puzzles, teka-teki yg rumit; an ~ problem, masalah yg rumit; 2. entangled and elaborate, berjalin-jalin dan kompleks: an ~ pattern, corak yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; ~ carvings, ukiran yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; 3. complex, kompleks: an ~ mechanism, mekanisme yg kompleks; the story has an ~ plot, cerita itu mempunyai plot yg kompleks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complicated | adj 1. made up of closely related parts, kompleks, rumit: a ~ machine, mesin yg rumit; 2. difficult to understand, deal with, rumit; (of person) kompleks: a ~ question, pertanyaan yg rumit; the situation is getting more and more ~, keadaan menjadi semakin rumit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complication | n 1. condition of being complicated, keadaan yg rumit; 2. complicating circumstance, kerumitan: several ~s have arisen, beberapa kerumitan telah timbul; 3. act, process of complicating, menjadi rumit: we must not allow further ~ of this problem, kita tdk boleh membiarkan masalah ini menjadi lebih rumit; 4. (pathol) komplikasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intricacy | 2. st intricate, (st difficult to understand, resolve), selok-belok [n] yg rumit; (st complex) selok-belok yg kompleks: she could not follow the intricacies of the speaker’s arguments, dia tdk dapat memahami selok-belok yg rumit dlm hujah pemidato itu; the intricacies of modern day politics, selok-belok yg rumit dlm politik kini; the intricacies of the plot and sub-plots, selok-belok yg kompleks dlm plot dan subplot itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intricacy | n 1. quality of being, a. (difficult to understand, resolve) rumitnya, rumit: the plan was marred by the ~ of its details, rancangan itu tercemar krn butiran-butirannya rumit; b. (entangled and elaborate) berjalin-jalin dan kompleks: the ~ of the design, corak yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; c. (complex) kompleksnya: early map makers had been baffled by the ~ of the river system, pembuat peta pd zaman dahulu menjadi bingung krn kompleksnya sistem sungai tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
difficult | adj 1. not easy, hard, sukar, susah, payah; (of problem, question) susah, sukar, rumit: they found it ~ to maintain their position, mereka mendapati sukar utk mengekalkan kedudukan mereka; 2. full of hardship, susah, rumit: a ~ life, kehidupan yg susah; 3. (of person) hard to deal with, cerewet; (foll by infin) susah, sukar: a ~ customer, pelanggan yg cerewet; shop assistants found her ~ to please, pembantu kedai mendapati susah utk melayannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
involved | adj 1. (complicated) rumit; (difficult to understand) sukar /difahami, dimengerti/: he told us a long, ~ story about his troubles, dia menceritakan kisah yg panjang dan sukar difahami ttg masalahnya; 2. implicated, terlibat, terbabit: the police alleged that he was ~ in the kidnapping, polis mengatakan dia terlibat dlm penculikan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knotty | adj 1. a. tied in knots, bersimpul-simpul: a piece of ~ string, seutas tali yg bersimpul-simpul; b. gnarled, berbonggol-bonggol; 2. (fig.) rumit, sulit: a ~ problem, masalah yg rumit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bewilderingly | adv sehingga membingungkan: the map is ~ complicated, peta itu rumit sehingga membingungkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | be in a ~, (sl) dlm /kesulitan, keadaan yg rumit/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |