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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[rum.pai] | رومڤاي

Definisi : rumput dan tumbuh-tumbuhan kecil lain yg tidak berguna di kawasan yg telah diusahakan; ~ laut tumbuhan berwarna hijau, perang atau merah gelap yg hidup di dlm laut, atau di atas batuan yg terendam di pinggir laut. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[rum.pai] | رومڤاي

Definisi : rumput dan tumbuh-tumbuhan lain yg tidak berguna: ~ air rumpai yg tumbuh di air. ~ laut tumbuh-tumbuhan yg berwarna hijau, perang atau merah gelap yg hidup di dlm laut atau di atas batu yg terendam di pinggir laut. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

grub~ up, pull out of the ground, a. (of person) mencabut: those weeds have to be ~bed up, rumpai-rumpai itu perlu dicabut; b. (of bird) mengorek-ngorek tanah utk mencari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bloatvt menyebabkan [n] kembung: some weeds ~ cattle, setengah-setengah rumpai menyebabkan lembu kembung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fissure1. crack in the ground or a rock, rekahan: weeds growing in the ~s, rumpai yg tumbuh pd rekahan; 2. (tech) fisur.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infestvt 1. overun, inhabit in large numbers, penuh dgn: mosquitoes ~ the river flats, beting sungai itu penuh dgn nyamuk; the garden is ~ed with weeds, taman itu penuh dgn rumpai; 2. live in large numbers in or on (host) meremut: her hair is ~ed with lice, kutu meremut di kepalanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inprep 1. (indic position, location) a. inside, within, i. (enclosed space), (di) dalam; I kept the letters ~ the drawer, saya menyimpan surat-surat itu di dalam laci; he’s waiting ~ the car, dia sedang menunggu dalam kereta; these weeds grow ~ water, rumpai ini hidup dalam air; ii. (place connected with particular activity) di; (if such a place is small), (di) dalam: I met him ~ a shop, saya bertemu dengannya di kedai; my sister works ~ a bank, kakak saya bekerja di bank;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
entanglevt (usu pass.) 1.a. cause to become caught, terperangkap, tersangkut: the fish were ~d in the net, ikan-ikan itu terperangkap dlm jala; b. cause to become twisted or tangled, terbelit: her hair became ~d in the branches, rambutnya terbelit pd dahan-dahan itu;the fishing-line got ~d in the weeds, tali kail itu terbelit pd rumpai; 2. a. involve (so. or os) in difficulties or unfavourable circumstances, terjebak: they became ~d in the intricacies of the problem, mereka terjebak dlm kekusutan masalah itu; b. involve (so., os) in a relationship, terlibat:he warned her not to get herself ~d with money-lenders, dia mengingatkannya supaya jangan terlibat dgn pemberi hutang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clearthe land was ~ed for replanting, kawasan itu dipugar utk ditanami semula; 2. remove (unwanted things) from a place, a. (by putting away or aside) mengemaskan: he quickly ~ed the papers from his desk, dia cepat-cepat mengemaskan kertas-kertas dr mejanya; b. (by pulling out or getting rid of) membuang: she spent almost three hours trying to ~ the weeds from her garden, dia menghabiskan hampir tiga jam mencuba membuang rumpai dr lamannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
choke3. make unbreathable, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] penuh; (pass.) penuh: air ~d with dust, udara yg penuh dgn habuk; 4. also ~ up, block up, a. (act.), /membuat, menyebabkan/ [sst] tersumbat: leaves ~d up the drain, daun-daun menyebabkan parit tersumbat: b. (pass.) tersumbat; 5. also ~ up, (often pass.) infest with, semak dgn: the garden was ~d up with weeds, taman itu semak dgn rumpai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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