everyday | adj sehari-hari, harian: ~ routine, rutin sehari-hari; ~ problems, masalah sehari-hari; ~ clothes, pakaian harian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dullness | n 1. monotony, kebosanan, bosannya: the ~ of routine paperwork, kebosanan kerja-kerja tulis menulis yg rutin; 2. listlessness, sikap /mambar, tdk bersemangat/; 3. quality of not being bright, (of colour) kesuraman, sebamnya; (of light) kesuraman, buramnya: 3. (of pain, ache) tdk mencucuk; 4. slowness in understanding, learning, kelembapan, kelembaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispatch | vt 1. send off, menghantar, mengirim: to ~ supplies to the flood-stricken area, menghantar bekalan ke kawasan yg dilanda banjir; a letter was ~ed to the head office, sepucuk surat dikirim ke ibu pejabat; 2. deal with promptly, menyelesaikan [sst] dgn segera: the committee intended to ~ the routine business first, jawatankuasa itu merancang utk menyelesaikan urusan-urusan yg rutin dahulu; 3. (colloq) eat up quickly, menghabiskan dgn cepat; 4. (old-fashioned) put to death, membunuh: he had to ~ the wounded animal, dia terpaksa membunuh binatang yg cedera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
examination | n 1. act of, a. (inspecting, scrutinizing, investigating) pemeriksaan; (idea, proposal, plan, claim, etc) penelitian, pemeriksaan: an ~ of the wreckage failed to establish the cause of the crash, pemeriksaan bangkai pesawat gagal menentukan sebab nahas itu berlaku; he made a thorough ~ of the car before buying it, dia membuat pemeriksaan yg teliti pd kereta itu sebelum membelinya; she went to the doctor for a routine physical ~, dia pergi berjumpa doktor utk pemeriksaan rutin; b. (questioning a witness in court) pemeriksaan; 2. formal test, peperiksaan: there will be an oral ~ as well as a written one, peperiksaan lisan juga peperiksaan bertulis akan diadakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |