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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

beltn 1. waistband, tali pinggang, kendit, kemendit, ikat pinggang, sabuk; 2. narrow band, strip of colour, jalur; 3. area characterized by distinctive feature, kawasan: the wheat ~, kawasan gandum; the green ~ around the city, kawasan hijau di keliling bandar raya itu; 4. (worn as mark of rank, distinction) tali pinggang; 5. (mech) tali sawat, sabuk: conveyor ~, tali sawat penyampai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
girdlen 1. woman’s corset, korset, bengkung; 2. belt or band, /tali, ikat/ pinggang, sabuk, kendit; 3. (liter.) st that encircles, lingkungan: a ~ of trees around the lake, selingkungan pokok mengelilingi tasik; 4. (anat) girdel: pelvic ~, girdel pelvik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endlessadj 1. having no end, tdk berhujung; ( of complaints, questions, troubles, etc ) tdk habis-habis; ( of a list of things ) berjela-jela: the queue seemed ~, barisan itu seolah-olah tdk berhujung; an ~ journey through the desert, perjalanan yg tdk berhujung melalui padang pasir; the story of his troubles seemed ~, cerita kesusahannya seolah-olah tdk habis-habis; she has an ~ list of complaints, rungutannya berjela-jela; 2. of a belt, chain, cable, etc, lingkar: an ~ belt, sabuk lingkar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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