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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata sabun;


Kain putih disesah putih,
     Tengah bersesah sabun hilang;
Tuan kasih saya pun kasih,
     Tengah kasih bencana datang.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bubblen 1. ball of liquid containing gas or air, gelembung, buih: soap ~s, /buih, gelembung/ sabun; blow ~s, meniup /buih, gelembung/ sabun; 2. air-filled cavity in liquid or solid, gelembung; (in carbonated drinks and certain wines) buih, busa: the glass is flawed by small ~s, kaca itu dicacati gelembung-gelembung kecil; ~s rising in champagne, buih-buih yg naik dlm champagne; 3. unrealized hope, dream, impian: his ~ has burst, impiannya telah musnah; 4. undependable scheme, rancangan yg goyah: the South Sea ~, rancangan Laut Selatan yg goyah; 5. sound of bubble, bunyi gelegak: we could hear the ~ of the kettle, kami dapat mendengar bunyi gelegak dr cerek itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
green soapn sabun lembut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
albinon balar, bulai, sabun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bubble bathn 1. (toilet preparation) sabun buih; 2. (bath) mandi buih.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cut10. dissolve, melarutkan: soap ~s grease, sabun melarutkan minyak; 11. reduce, mengurangkan: to ~ the price of petrol, mengurangkan harga petrol; to ~ travelling time by half, mengurangkan separuh waktu perjalanan; 12. cause to split along predetermined lines, mencanai, memotong: to ~ precious gems, mencanai batu permata; 13. (pack of cards) memotong; 14. omit, memotong, mengeluarkan: several paragraphs were ~ from the article, beberapa perenggan telah dipotong drpd makalah itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flaken 1. small thin piece, emping: soap ~s, emping sabun; ~s of snow, emping salji; chocolate ~, emping coklat; 2. piece chipped off, serpihan: ~s of rust falling from the iron pump, serpihan-serpihan karat yg jatuh dr pam besi; a ~ of rock, serpihan batu; ~s of paint, serpihan cat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lathervi also ~ up, form a lather, berbuih, berbusa: the soap ~s easily, sabun itu mudah berbuih;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lathern 1. froth formed by soap and water, buih, busa: this soap produces a good ~, sabun ini mengeluarkan buih yg banyak; 2. frothy sweat as on horse, peluh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immersevt 1. dip, merendam; (face, head) membenamkan: she ~d the clothes in soapy water, dia merendam kain-kain itu dlm air sabun; the eggs must first be ~d in a salt solution, telur-telur itu hendaklah terlebih dahulu direndam dlm air garam; he ~d the boy’s head in the water, dia membenamkan epala budak itu dlm air; lie ~d in st, (of person, animal) berendam; 2. baptize by immersion, membaptis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brandn 1. trademark, jenama; 2. make of product with such a mark, jenis, [sometimes not translated]; (of product that bears a chop, esp in the Far East) cap: what ~ of soap do you use?, sabun (jenis) apa yg anda gunakan?; 3. special kind, jenis: I don’t like his ~ of humour, saya tdk suka akan jenis jenakanya; 4. identifying mark made by hot iron, tanda selar; 5. iron used to produce such mark, besi penyelar; 6. mark of disgrace, stigma, tanda: he bore the ~ of a coward, ada tanda seorang pengecut pd dirinya; 7. burning or burnt stick, puntung /api, kayu/; 8. (poet.) a. torch, suluh; b. sword, pedang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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