appearance | for the sake of ~s, demi kepentingan mata umum; give an ~ of, /kelihatan, tampak/ spt: he had given the ~ of being quite satisfied, dia kelihatan spt berpuas hati; give so. the ~ of, menjadikan sso /tampak, kelihatan/: her glasses gave her the ~ of being older than she really was, kaca matanya menjadikan dia tampak lebih tua drpd yg sebenarnya; give st the ~ of, menjadikan sst kelihatan: to give the painting an ~ of authenticity, menjadikan lukisan itu kelihatan tulen; have the ~ of, /kelihatan, nampak, tampak/ spt: he had the ~ of so. who had been up all night, dia tampak spt seorang yg telah berjaga semalam-malaman; it has the ~ of silk, kain itu kelihatan spt sutera; in ~, outwardly, pd lahirnya: in ~ they seem happily married, pd lahirnya mereka suami isteri yg bahagia; judge by ~s, mengukur drpd keadaan lahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heaven | H~s above, see GOD (good God); H~ forbid, dijauhkan Tuhan; ~ (only) knows, see GOD (God knows); by H~, see GOD (by God); for H~’s sake, see GOD (for God’s sake); good H~s, see GOD (good God); in seventh ~, (colloq) seronok betul: when he's in his studio surrounded by his brushes and paints, he’s in seventh ~, dia seronok betul apabila berada di studionya dikelilingi oleh berus dan cat; move ~ and earth, membuat apa saja; thank ~(s), see GOD (thank God). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
art | n 1. creation of works of beauty, seni: the ~ of pottery, seni tembikar; ~ for ~’s sake, seni utk seni; 2. human skill (as distinguished from nature) kemahiran seni: could this strange arrangement be the product of ~?, dapatkah susunan yg ganjil ini dianggap sbg hasil kemahiran seni?; 3. fine skill, kemahiran: the story is developed with great ~, cerita itu diolah dgn kemahiran yg istimewa; there’s an ~ to tightrope walking, berjalan di atas tali yg diregang memerlukan kemahiran; 4. works of art collectively, /(karya, ciptaan)/ seni: a work of ~, karya seni; the ~ of the early Egyptians, karya seni Mesir purba; an ~ museum, muzium seni; 5. field, genre of art, seni; (esp painting) seni lukis: an ~ student, penuntut seni; shadow play is an ~, permainan wayang kulit ialah suatu seni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convenience | ~ food, makanan mudah; at so’s ~, bila-bila (sso) senang: come at your ~, datanglah bila-bila senang; at so’s earliest ~, secepat mungkin; for (the sake of) ~, utk kesenangan (orang); marriage of ~, perkahwinan utk kesenangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
goodness | ~ knows, (colloq) Tuhan sahaja yg tahu, hanya Tuhan yg tahu: ~ knows how long it will take to finish this job, Tuhan sahaja yg tahu berapa lamakah kerja ini akan selesai; for ~ sake, demi Tuhan; /hope, wish, etc/ to ~ (that), berharap /benar, betul/: I wish to ~ that he’d stop it, saya berharap benar dia menghentikannya; My ~, G~ me, masya-Allah, ya Tuhan; thank ~, syukurlah: thank ~ she was not hurt, syukurlah dia tdk apa-apa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
god | G~ damn you, haram jadah, celaka kamu; G~ help so., Tuhan melindungi sso; G~’s gift to women, jantan nombor satu di dunia: he thinks he is G~’s gift to women, dia fikir dia jantan nombor satu di dunia; G~ willing, jika dizinkan Tuhan; (in Islam) Insya-Allah, jika diizinkan Allah; by G~, (colloq) Ya Tuhan, Ya Rabbi; for G~’s sake, tolonglah; good G~, my G~, oh G~, G~ in Heaven, Ya Tuhan; (in Islam) Ya Allah, Ya Rabbi; /how, what, why/ in G~’s name, [not translated]: why in G~’s name didn’t you go to the police?, kenapalah kamu tdk pergi pd polis?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drag | vi 1. labuh sehingga kelepet kainnya meleret ke tanah; 2. often ~ /on, out /, go on slowly, laboriously, berlarutan; (of lecture, story, etc) meleret-leret: if the hydrogen bomb had not been used the war would have ~ged on for who knows how long, jika bom hidrogen tdk digunakan peperangan itu akan berlarutan entah sampai bila, tdk siapa pun tahu; a marriage that ~ged on for the sake of the children, perkahwinan yg berlarutan demi kepentingan anak-anak; the lecture ~ged on, kuliah itu meleret-leret; although the actors were quite good, the play itself ~ged, walaupun lakonannya baik tetapi drama itu meleret-leret; 3. use a drag, menggunakan penyeret; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |