headachy | adj 1. having a headache, sakit kepala, pening; 2. causing a headache, menyebabkan /sakit kepala, pening/: a ~ cold, selesema yg menyebabkan sakit kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headache | n 1. sakit kepala, pening; 2. (fig.), (colloq) memeningkan kepala: this is going to be a real ~, ini betul-betul akan memeningkan kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cure | n 1. st that heals, a. ubat: to work on a ~ for the disease, mencari ubat utk penyakit itu; a ~ for headache, ubat sakit kepala; b. (fig.) cara mengatasi: there is no simple ~ for inflation, tdk ada cara mudah utk mengatasi inflasi; 2. act of healing, pengubatan, cara mengubati (+ approp n): research on the ~ of typhoid, penyelidikan ttg pengubatan kepialu; 3. recovery, penyembuhan: his miraculous ~ surprised everyone, penyembuhannya yg luar biasa itu memeranjatkan semua orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | 7. be expressed, a. (of song) berbunyi: the song ~es like this, lagu itu berbunyi begini; b. (of story) mengikut, menurut: he was the black sheep of the family, so the story ~es, menurut cerita dia kambing hitam dlm keluarganya; 8. lead in the direction of, menuju, menghala: this road ~es to the town centre, jalan ini menuju ke pusat bandar; 9. disappear, hilang; (of hope) lenyap: my headache has ~ne, sakit kepala saya sudah hilang; 10. be used up, habis: our food reserves are ~ne, bekalan makanan kita sudah habis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
develop | thousands of acres of land for housing, kerajaan telah memajukan beribu-ribu ekar tanah utk perumahan; 7. make available, usable, (the natural resources of) memanfaatkan: to ~ the natural resources of a region, memanfaatkan sumber semula jadi sesebuah kawasan; 8. contract, have, mendapat; (infectious or contagious disease) dijangkiti, mendapat; (fever) mula: to ~ an allergy, mendapat alergi; to ~ a rash, mendapat ruam; she ~ed a cold over the weekend, dia mendapat selesema pd hujung minggu itu; ~ a headache, sakit kepala; 9. acquire gradually, mula + approp v: he has ~ed a taste for sushi, dia mula menggemari susyi; she ~ed a gift for puppet-making during her sojourn in Thailand , dia mula menunjukkan kemahirannya dlm seni pembuatan boneka semasa dia tinggal di negeri Thai; 10. (photog) mencuci. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
give | a man who gave all his free time to his profession, lelaki yg mengorbankan seluruh masa lapangnya demi profesionnya; 12. cause to feel, membuat [sso] berasa [adj], sso berasa [adj]: seeing her grandchildren play ~s her a lot of pleasure, dia berasa amat seronok melihat cucu-cucunya bermain; 13. cause to be infected with, get, berjangkit; (pain, headache, etc), /menyebabkan, membuat/ [n] sakit, [n] sakit: he’s ~n me his cold, selesemanya telah berjangkit kpd saya; staying out in the sun ~s me a headache, berjemur menyebabkan kepala saya sakit or kepala saya sakit jika saya berjemur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |