cross | adj angry, marah: his father is ~ with him, ayahnya marah padanya; give so. a ~ look, memandang sso dgn marah; have ~ words with so., bertengkar dgn sso; n 1. upright post with a bar intersecting it near the top, salib: a martyr who died on the ~, seorang martir yg mati di atas salib; 2. symbol of the Christian faith, salib; (on a chain), (loket) salib: she wore a gold ~ around her neck, dia memakai salib emas di lehernya; 3. also sign of the ~, tanda salib: to make the sign of the ~, membuat isyarat tanda salib; 4. cross-shaped mark, (tanda) palang; (in the form of an ‘X’) tanda pangkah: a blue ~ on a white background, palang biru berlatarbelakangkan warna putih; there were more ~es than ticks on his examination paper, terdapat lebih banyak tanda pangkah drpd tanda rait pd kertas peperiksaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crucifix | n patung salib. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crusade | n 1. Perang Salib; 2. (fig.) perjuangan: he led a ~ against drug addiction, dia mengetuai perjuangan menentang penagihan dadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross | ~ one another, (of persons, ships, etc) meet in passing, berselisih: the ships must have ~ed one another, kapal-kapal itu tentunya berselisih; ~ os, membuat isyarat tanda salib pd diri sso: he ~ed himself as he entered the church, dia membuat isyarat tanda salib pd dirinya ketika memasuki gereja; ~ o’s fingers, keep o’s fingers ~ed, berdoa: we’ve done everything we can, let’s keep our fingers ~ed, kita telah membuat segala yg termampu, berdoa sajalah kita; ~ o’s heart, bersumpah; ~ o’s mind, terlintas di /fikiran, hati/ sso; ~ so’s path, come into contact with so., bertembung dgn sso; ~ swords with so., openly disagree with so., /bertegang leher, bertengkar/ dgn sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Cross | n; the ~, 1. the cross on which Jesus Christ died, Salib; 2. the Christian religion, agama Kristian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adoration | n 1. worship, pemujaan: the ~ of the Cross, pemujaan Salib; 2. intense love, kasih sayang, kasih; (of husband, lover, etc ) kasih sayang, kasih, cinta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |